Dear All
With the Glasgow Labour Party in denial about the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell scandal, it comes down to the SNP Councillors of Glasgow City Council to take the lead and ask the difficult questions.
At tomorrow's meeting of Glasgow City Council the SNP will lead calls for both a full statement from the council’s Labour leader and an independent investigation into the recent activities of the council and its agencies - particularly decisions made during the former leadership of Steven Purcell.
The SNP in Glasgow have focussed on three key issues that must be addressed in an independent investigation, to ensure full transparency for council tax payers and the good governance of the city of Glasgow council:
Who in the council - at both elected member and official level - knew that Councillor Purcell had taken illegal drugs and was at risk of blackmail; why was no action taken and why was this information concealed?
Both the SCDEA and Cllr Purcell himself considered there to be a risk of blackmail. This raises concerns over the decisions made during his time as leader and the potential of external influence on such decisions.
A series of newspaper reports have alleged that subsidiaries of Glasgow City Council - set up by Stephen Purcell - directed money toward the Labour party. City Building has admitted making such donations. Newspapers have also raised questions over the allocation of contracts to Labour donors. It must be demonstrated to taxpayers that council funds have always been spent in their interests and not in the interests of individuals, friends or donors.
With the Glasgow Labour Party in denial about the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell scandal, it comes down to the SNP Councillors of Glasgow City Council to take the lead and ask the difficult questions.
At tomorrow's meeting of Glasgow City Council the SNP will lead calls for both a full statement from the council’s Labour leader and an independent investigation into the recent activities of the council and its agencies - particularly decisions made during the former leadership of Steven Purcell.
The SNP in Glasgow have focussed on three key issues that must be addressed in an independent investigation, to ensure full transparency for council tax payers and the good governance of the city of Glasgow council:
Who in the council - at both elected member and official level - knew that Councillor Purcell had taken illegal drugs and was at risk of blackmail; why was no action taken and why was this information concealed?
Both the SCDEA and Cllr Purcell himself considered there to be a risk of blackmail. This raises concerns over the decisions made during his time as leader and the potential of external influence on such decisions.
A series of newspaper reports have alleged that subsidiaries of Glasgow City Council - set up by Stephen Purcell - directed money toward the Labour party. City Building has admitted making such donations. Newspapers have also raised questions over the allocation of contracts to Labour donors. It must be demonstrated to taxpayers that council funds have always been spent in their interests and not in the interests of individuals, friends or donors.
Commenting ahead of the debate Cllr Dornan said;
"Labour has dodged the problems facing their leadership in Glasgow City Council for weeks. It is now time for them to accept open and independent scrutiny of their actions in relation to Cllr Purcell’s admission of cocaine use and potential blackmail and the decisions made during that time."
"The drip drip of scandal and allegation is harming Glasgow’s reputation and an independent inquiry is crucial if we are to restore the good name of this great city."
"Labour has its hands on £2.4 billion of public money in Glasgow and the council tax payers of this city deserve to know this money is being spent for their benefit and their benefit alone."
"It is only independent scrutiny that can offer guarantees to the public that the whole affair has been properly investigated. The idea of the council investigating itself is simply ludicrous - we already have evidence that it failed to act despite knowing the Council Leader was at risk of blackmail and, that council subsidiaries like City Building have donated directly to the Labour party."
"Former Cllr Purcell’s interview has made clear that people within the council knew of his drug use and of the SCDEA’s concerns."For people within the council to be aware that the SCDEA – a body that investigates drugs and organised crime - was concerned their leader was exposed to blackmail in this way yet not to act is a very serious matter and of legitimate concern to Glasgow’s citizens. Taxpayers deserve an independent investigation so they can be assured there has been no undue influence on Cllr Purcell or anyone else within the council."
"If Labour is confident they have nothing to hide then there is nothing to fear from independent investigation and there will be real questions asked of any party that tries to prevent a bright light being shone into the corners of Glasgow City Chambers and Labour’s control of this city".
Some examples of concerns raised since the resignation of Councillor Purcell include:
7th March – newspapers reveal Purcell was interviewed by SCDEA in May 2009 over potential for blackmail.
Bailie Jim Todd was the only Labour Councillor not in receipt of additional allowances through responsibilities
27th March The Herald reports that the Council has dropped plans to turn it’s Development and Regeneration services department into another arms length company.
28th March – Sunday Herald reveals that City Building awarded a 4 year contract for an as yet unconfirmed amount to AS Scaffolding, owned by Labour donor Andrew Smillie. The same report states that City Building allowed Willie Haughey’s refrigeration firm to store refrigerators at one of their depots.
28th March – News of the World claim former Council Leader Steven Purcell claimed eight bottles of champagne on expenses after a private function at the Glasgow Centre for Contemporary Arts. The bill was almost £400 and was picked up by Cordia.News of the World also reports City Building gave board members £100 vouchers for restaurant owned by Labour donor James Mortimer – no Labour councillor declared the gift.
29th March –Steven Purcell gives an interview to the Sun. The Sun says Purcell “suffered the emotional breakdown amid fears gangsters had a video of him snorting cocaineFollowing a visit by the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency Purcell adds “I told close colleagues at the council about it because I think it is important to be honest. They were happy for me to carry on – with the strict condition it didn’t happen again.
Prior to the resignation of Councillor Purcell questions were raised over spending at another Glasgow based organisation – Strathclyde Partnership for Transport resulting in resignations of two councillors and the chief executive over expenses claims.February – revelations about expenses at SPT force resignation of Chair Alistair Watson and Chief Executive Ron Culley (former chair of Scottish Enterprise Glasgow). This included attendance at a football match on tickets provided through a contractor to City Building.
The people of Glasgow have a right to know where who have Glasgow’s millions gone to.
How many jobs and contracts have been given to Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors?
The pressure for an independent inquiry is mounting and with the Glasgow Labour Party fingering Glasgow City Council employees, some people who were involved in covering up for the Labour Party and Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell have proven themselves unworthy of trust.
It is time for serious answers to the serious questions.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
The people of Glasgow have a right to know where who have Glasgow’s millions gone to.
How many jobs and contracts have been given to Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors?
The pressure for an independent inquiry is mounting and with the Glasgow Labour Party fingering Glasgow City Council employees, some people who were involved in covering up for the Labour Party and Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell have proven themselves unworthy of trust.
It is time for serious answers to the serious questions.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University