Dear All
We all like super heroes, Superman Batman, Spiderman and Captain America, square joes who stand up for truth, justice and the American way.
I even like Kick Ass but the real star of that movie was ‘Hitgirl’.
Now a new British anti ‘superhero’ has surfaced unemployed John Paul Onyenaychi.
He is charged with the attempted murder of two police officers and grievous bodily harm with intent, not very superhero to me.
When asked in Court his name, he said:
“My name’s ‘go **** yourself”.
One of his superpowers appears to be hurling abuse.
But in a Court when a Judge sits there wearing the wig and gown it is like a shield and has little effect, except to give everyone a laugh.
John Paul Onyenaychi is accused of stabbing Pc Paul Madden, 23, and Piotr Dolata, 27, a police community support officer (PCSO).
The grievous bodily harm with intent was on a second PCSO Steven Constable.
This isn’t a laughing matter for Onyenaychi, he is looking at a lengthy stretch.
Another super power he is endowed with is carrying a weapon, a knife.
Surrounded in the dock by 10 police officers at Brent Magistrates' Court, he decided to use his third superpower a cloak of invisibility because when 10 guys are standing round you, no one can see you!
Onyenaychi refused to confirm his name, date of birth and address because Superheroes even mustn’t reveal their identity.
Shouting at District Judge Margot Coleman who isn’t deaf, he said:
“My name’s ‘go **** yourself” and where the **** is my solicitor?”
And like magic his solicitor Aneurin Brewer appeared in court.
Onyenaychi continued:
“You’re not my ******* solicitor. You’re not representing me.”
Brewer has no superpowers?
District Judge Coleman threw his arse out of court and ordered he be taken back to the cell before telling Mr Brewer:
“He was being extremely abusive and I’m not prepared to tolerate that behaviour in my courtroom.”
Well said that Judge!
Brewer said he was prepared to represent Onyenaychi despite his objections, and confirmed his name, address and date of birth.
That is okay because Brewer isn’t a superhero so isn’t bound by the code of silence.
There was no application for bail and Onyenaychi will not be further crimefighting because he is locked up and remanded on two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent.
He will appear at the Old Bailey on March 25.
So, what prompted a superhero like John Paul Onyenaychi to spring into action?
The officers, who were based in the Ealing Borough were checking bus fares.
London mayor Boris Johnson said he was 'shocked' at the attack, writing on Twitter:
“No place for this on the streets of London”.
Chief Superintendent Andy Rowell said:
“Whilst this is no doubt a shocking incident, it is extremely rare for police officers to receive injuries of this nature whilst on duty.”
One thing is certain Onyenaychi is such a danger to the public, it is best he is removed from society for decades.
In prison he can have plenty of time to ‘go **** himself’.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
We all like super heroes, Superman Batman, Spiderman and Captain America, square joes who stand up for truth, justice and the American way.
I even like Kick Ass but the real star of that movie was ‘Hitgirl’.
Now a new British anti ‘superhero’ has surfaced unemployed John Paul Onyenaychi.
He is charged with the attempted murder of two police officers and grievous bodily harm with intent, not very superhero to me.
When asked in Court his name, he said:
“My name’s ‘go **** yourself”.
One of his superpowers appears to be hurling abuse.
But in a Court when a Judge sits there wearing the wig and gown it is like a shield and has little effect, except to give everyone a laugh.
John Paul Onyenaychi is accused of stabbing Pc Paul Madden, 23, and Piotr Dolata, 27, a police community support officer (PCSO).
The grievous bodily harm with intent was on a second PCSO Steven Constable.
This isn’t a laughing matter for Onyenaychi, he is looking at a lengthy stretch.
Another super power he is endowed with is carrying a weapon, a knife.
Surrounded in the dock by 10 police officers at Brent Magistrates' Court, he decided to use his third superpower a cloak of invisibility because when 10 guys are standing round you, no one can see you!
Onyenaychi refused to confirm his name, date of birth and address because Superheroes even mustn’t reveal their identity.
Shouting at District Judge Margot Coleman who isn’t deaf, he said:
“My name’s ‘go **** yourself” and where the **** is my solicitor?”
And like magic his solicitor Aneurin Brewer appeared in court.
Onyenaychi continued:
“You’re not my ******* solicitor. You’re not representing me.”
Brewer has no superpowers?
District Judge Coleman threw his arse out of court and ordered he be taken back to the cell before telling Mr Brewer:
“He was being extremely abusive and I’m not prepared to tolerate that behaviour in my courtroom.”
Well said that Judge!
Brewer said he was prepared to represent Onyenaychi despite his objections, and confirmed his name, address and date of birth.
That is okay because Brewer isn’t a superhero so isn’t bound by the code of silence.
There was no application for bail and Onyenaychi will not be further crimefighting because he is locked up and remanded on two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent.
He will appear at the Old Bailey on March 25.
So, what prompted a superhero like John Paul Onyenaychi to spring into action?
The officers, who were based in the Ealing Borough were checking bus fares.
London mayor Boris Johnson said he was 'shocked' at the attack, writing on Twitter:
“No place for this on the streets of London”.
Chief Superintendent Andy Rowell said:
“Whilst this is no doubt a shocking incident, it is extremely rare for police officers to receive injuries of this nature whilst on duty.”
One thing is certain Onyenaychi is such a danger to the public, it is best he is removed from society for decades.
In prison he can have plenty of time to ‘go **** himself’.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
" This isn’t a laughing matter for Onyenaychi"
George. Sadly I think it is.
He'll now enjoy 3 square meals and lovely warm accommodation. He won't be deported back to Nigeria or wherever he came from. Plus when he's released he will quickly have kids with some saddo and have 'the right to remain'. Good result for a piece of scum who attacked defenceless police officers.
There must be some plan to allow all this chaos. It can't be by accident.
John Paul was born here in London. He is not an illegal immigrant. Most of his friends he grew up with, who started him into criminally were White, so you can put your stereotypes away.
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