Dear All
The season of goodwill is over!
Now, for Gordon Brown, it’s the season of bad will, of secret ballots, of treachery, of plots and plans.
By his own party!
With a General Election round the corner, the phrase;
"we can't go on like this", is most telling, it exposes what everyone suspected privately, the fight is on to remove Gordon Brown, but who with?
Two ex-cabinet ministers are openly calling for a secret ballot on Gordon Brown's leadership, Patricia Hewitt and Geoff Hoon.
Both of them have signed a letter and sent it to verey Labour MP saying the issue of Brown’s leadership must be sorted "once and for all".
This move is too latebut adds further weight to the argument of why voters shouldn’t vote for the Labour Party.
It is interesting that snippets talk about how deeply divided and grumbling the party is, from the Brown bunker comes, “Mr Brown was "getting on with the job".
Hewitt and Hoon however have allies in the shape of Charles Clarke and Frank Field, well known critics of Brown but at present no Cabinet Minister wants to leave the sinking ship.
To put it bluntly the choice is stay and get burned or jump into the shark infested waters of an angry electorate.
Peter Mandelson who already wanted to jump ship back to Europe has been busy texting;
"This is a complete over-reaction, these people are not members of the government, no one is resigning from the government. We should carry on government business as usual in my view."
He hasn’t anywhere to go either.
For Gordon Brown, he faces an election with a divided party who are facing a crushing defeat in England.
Behind his back, his Cabinet Ministers are loyal to his face but some plot to take the crown.
Brown has no friends; the hell of the wretched is his allies, the bloodbath is still to come.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
The season of goodwill is over!
Now, for Gordon Brown, it’s the season of bad will, of secret ballots, of treachery, of plots and plans.
By his own party!
With a General Election round the corner, the phrase;
"we can't go on like this", is most telling, it exposes what everyone suspected privately, the fight is on to remove Gordon Brown, but who with?
Two ex-cabinet ministers are openly calling for a secret ballot on Gordon Brown's leadership, Patricia Hewitt and Geoff Hoon.
Both of them have signed a letter and sent it to verey Labour MP saying the issue of Brown’s leadership must be sorted "once and for all".
This move is too latebut adds further weight to the argument of why voters shouldn’t vote for the Labour Party.
It is interesting that snippets talk about how deeply divided and grumbling the party is, from the Brown bunker comes, “Mr Brown was "getting on with the job".
Hewitt and Hoon however have allies in the shape of Charles Clarke and Frank Field, well known critics of Brown but at present no Cabinet Minister wants to leave the sinking ship.
To put it bluntly the choice is stay and get burned or jump into the shark infested waters of an angry electorate.
Peter Mandelson who already wanted to jump ship back to Europe has been busy texting;
"This is a complete over-reaction, these people are not members of the government, no one is resigning from the government. We should carry on government business as usual in my view."
He hasn’t anywhere to go either.
For Gordon Brown, he faces an election with a divided party who are facing a crushing defeat in England.
Behind his back, his Cabinet Ministers are loyal to his face but some plot to take the crown.
Brown has no friends; the hell of the wretched is his allies, the bloodbath is still to come.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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