Dear All
We all know it is a corrupt society.
Play by the rules and you get shafted.
Parmbir Gill wanted to go to Oxford University so badly he decided that the best way forward was to be creative with his qualifications.
He is a mad fibber!
At this point, I would say that ‘rules are a trap to catch people with no initiative’, this is a quote by Paul Schofield in the 1964 movie, The Train starring Burt Lancaster.
As an Oxford University student, he has been suspended over allegations he claimed to have achieved ten As at A level.
He had three.So, what should Oxford University do?
Well, they could take the view that they should expel him, the advantages are its quick, requires little thought and involves a little bit of face saving.
There is always the argument of wanting to teach others a lesson.
Or they could take another view, let him continue.
In other words, exercise a little charity.
If he passes his exams let him continue; let him stand or fall on his own merits.
Parmir Gill is a student at Lady Margaret Hall, a college with alumni including Nigella Lawson, Ann Widdecombe and former MI5 director general Eliza Manningham-Buller.
All successful high flyers, is so strange that he should want to aspire to the same level?
I don’t condone him lying but I find his gall of pulling the wool over the academic and admin staff refreshingly funny.
The University should accept the hit, if they kick him out, it rather flags up the elitist aspect when the human approach would buy incredible public goodwill.
Personally, Oxford is getting a bargain, if he fails, it’s his fault; if he passes they get the credit for putting him back of the straight and narrow.
So to the question of sanction!
Yes, a bit of community style punishment wouldn’t go amiss, sweeping up, grass cutting, washing windows and general cleaning duties to give him a bit of time for reflection on his behaviour!
Finally, I would ask if you read this post to contact Oxford University and submit a letter of support allowing him to stay.
Think of it as a good deed for the day, I have already sent mine.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
We all know it is a corrupt society.
Play by the rules and you get shafted.
Parmbir Gill wanted to go to Oxford University so badly he decided that the best way forward was to be creative with his qualifications.
He is a mad fibber!
At this point, I would say that ‘rules are a trap to catch people with no initiative’, this is a quote by Paul Schofield in the 1964 movie, The Train starring Burt Lancaster.
As an Oxford University student, he has been suspended over allegations he claimed to have achieved ten As at A level.
He had three.So, what should Oxford University do?
Well, they could take the view that they should expel him, the advantages are its quick, requires little thought and involves a little bit of face saving.
There is always the argument of wanting to teach others a lesson.
Or they could take another view, let him continue.
In other words, exercise a little charity.
If he passes his exams let him continue; let him stand or fall on his own merits.
Parmir Gill is a student at Lady Margaret Hall, a college with alumni including Nigella Lawson, Ann Widdecombe and former MI5 director general Eliza Manningham-Buller.
All successful high flyers, is so strange that he should want to aspire to the same level?
I don’t condone him lying but I find his gall of pulling the wool over the academic and admin staff refreshingly funny.
The University should accept the hit, if they kick him out, it rather flags up the elitist aspect when the human approach would buy incredible public goodwill.
Personally, Oxford is getting a bargain, if he fails, it’s his fault; if he passes they get the credit for putting him back of the straight and narrow.
So to the question of sanction!
Yes, a bit of community style punishment wouldn’t go amiss, sweeping up, grass cutting, washing windows and general cleaning duties to give him a bit of time for reflection on his behaviour!
Finally, I would ask if you read this post to contact Oxford University and submit a letter of support allowing him to stay.
Think of it as a good deed for the day, I have already sent mine.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
No George. What about the poor student that actually had five or six A levels that Gill bumped?
Dear Conan
We don't live in a land where people get by on merit.
Gordon Brown demonstrated this by giving Jack McConnell a job, he didn't sit an interview for.
Muir Russell gets appointed Principal of Glasgow University
1/ No experience of working in a charity
2/ No teaching experience
3/ No commerical experience
Donald Dewar skips the medical queue so that his operation falls during the recess.
Did he care that he was pushing someone back further in the line?
Every day, we see examples of unfairness by authorities.
At university, I met the most corrupt people.
As to the person that Gill bumped, they went elsewhere.
At university when I taught for free, which cost me money incidently,I was treated like dirt by staff.
Doing the right thing is a guarantee of what in a corrupt society?
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
ps Dr. Jane Barton kills ten people, goes through a fitness to practice panel and isn't struck off.
Christ George, you're even more cynical than I am. Kudos.
Dear Conan
The benefit of 20 years at University of Glasgow I am afraid.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
I'm the poor student parmbir 'bumped'!
Interviewed against him last year, and almost got in cos LMH allowed only me and one other student (who eventually got in) to interview at another college.
Luckily for me I got rejected by all my other unis last year as well, reapplied for 2010 and got into another college after using my gap year to take 3 extra a-levels (now have 7).
If it wasn't for this strange turn of events that sees me get in as well I'd be personally insulted if I'd got into my 5th choice uni last year and then seen this guy be let off after stealing my place!
I wud say let him stay since I got in anyway but the fact hes been using his position to exploit naive applicants this year by charging them 1000 quid for advice gets at me, just seems like an all round prick so why do him any unnecassary favours?
Dear Callum
Can you explain why I can find no reference to Parmir Gill charging £1,000 for advice to students?
How did you acquire this information?
Do you have a link to an independent third party source such as a newspaper or tv channel?
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
yea lol it was the times article which is where i found out about the whole thing...1 of the first links if u type his name into google
The website is called sucedo.com and he even hosted a live webchat session explaining how clever he was (lied that he got 100% in th entrance exam) and telling others they cud do th same.
Dear Callum
Thank you for the link.
As I said in my article, he should stand or fall on his own merits.
I would be inclined to overlook the manner of how he got in but impose sanctions.
If there is more to this story than the initial pulling the wool over the staff eyes then that is another matter.
In a sense you can forgive a mistake, we are all human but you have draw the line somewhere.
If during the course of the investigation by the college, he has been found to make more false statements for the purpose of finanical gain then I would agree that expulsion is appropriate.
I wouldn't have kicked him out for pulling a fast one.
I wish you good luck in your studies and search for a career.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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