Dear All
Today is Tuesday 12th January 2010.
It is the day that Gerald and Kate McCann go to Court in Portugal to try and gag Gonçalo Amaral, the former Polícia Judiciária investigator.
In order to try and win their case, the McCann’s wanted to gag witnesses from even getting to the court to testify.
These witnesses have the belief that the thesis that Madeleine McCann is dead is correct.
The McCann’s are trying by any means to silence and prevent the investigators in the case of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine from being heard.
The McCann’s via their legal team are presenting this argument to the judge.
McCann said;
"No-one can be allowed to say that our daughter can't be found without very good evidence”.
I would suggest that the evidence of Eddie and Keela, forensic dogs, in numerous locations and their previous work record make complying evidence.
McCann’s lawyer argues that the facts that have been alleged by the couple in the injunction should be deemed as fact, because they have not been duly challenged.
That is nonsense in my opinion and a breach of Gonçalo Amaral’s human rights for a fair and impartial hearing.
The list of those saying Madeleine McCann is dead is growing.
The wider question of freedom of speech is the nub of this case, I don’t believe that Gonçalo Amaral wrote his book out of spite but were the evidence took him.
When asked about the evidence of the dogs in an interview, Gerald McCann flippantly replied, “ask the dogs, Sandra”.
The McCann case has no merit in my opinion, it should signal the start of the end of the McCann Circus.
The McCann’s have serious questions to answer, starting with the 48 from the Portuguese Police.
I have long held the belief that justice will not start for Madeleine McCann until Gerald and Kate McCann are detained by Portuguese Police, brought to Court and put on the stand to answer questions under oath.
What does it say that that Gerald and Kate McCann seek to gag serving Policemen from testifying in a court of law?
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
Today is Tuesday 12th January 2010.
It is the day that Gerald and Kate McCann go to Court in Portugal to try and gag Gonçalo Amaral, the former Polícia Judiciária investigator.
In order to try and win their case, the McCann’s wanted to gag witnesses from even getting to the court to testify.
These witnesses have the belief that the thesis that Madeleine McCann is dead is correct.
The McCann’s are trying by any means to silence and prevent the investigators in the case of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine from being heard.
The McCann’s via their legal team are presenting this argument to the judge.
McCann said;
"No-one can be allowed to say that our daughter can't be found without very good evidence”.
I would suggest that the evidence of Eddie and Keela, forensic dogs, in numerous locations and their previous work record make complying evidence.
McCann’s lawyer argues that the facts that have been alleged by the couple in the injunction should be deemed as fact, because they have not been duly challenged.
That is nonsense in my opinion and a breach of Gonçalo Amaral’s human rights for a fair and impartial hearing.
The list of those saying Madeleine McCann is dead is growing.
The wider question of freedom of speech is the nub of this case, I don’t believe that Gonçalo Amaral wrote his book out of spite but were the evidence took him.
When asked about the evidence of the dogs in an interview, Gerald McCann flippantly replied, “ask the dogs, Sandra”.
The McCann case has no merit in my opinion, it should signal the start of the end of the McCann Circus.
The McCann’s have serious questions to answer, starting with the 48 from the Portuguese Police.
I have long held the belief that justice will not start for Madeleine McCann until Gerald and Kate McCann are detained by Portuguese Police, brought to Court and put on the stand to answer questions under oath.
What does it say that that Gerald and Kate McCann seek to gag serving Policemen from testifying in a court of law?
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
1 comment:
McCann Unravels. "Los MCcánn nó són víctimas són verdúgos"
Gerry MCcann es pederásta y no le ímporta que sea niño o niña lo que les interesan a los pederastas es su infáncia. LA JUSTICIA CUMPLE SE REHABRE EL CASO . SOS: EL RESCATE, DE MADELEINE (MCCANN) LA NIÑA “INGLESA” RAPTADA EN (PORTUGAL)
Madeleine MCcann el gobierno portugues y ministro de justicia mas fiscal y el juez toman una alternativa para los "Mccann" no hay cadaver no hay juicio.El juicio de "Marta Del Castillo" no hay cadaver pero se hace justicia......................
Madeleine MCcann En la primera anestesia la niña se despertó cuando se encontró al padre abusando de ella fue golpeada salvajemente por el propio padre al darse cuenta que no era bien recibido y volvió a ser anestesiada de hay la sangre de la niña de los golpes recibidos recordando en todo momento que estaba bajo los efectos del alcohol de hay el ataque cardíaco. Cadena perpetua para Un Pederasta y pedofilo Fueron los padres los asesinos mas torturaban a la niña. Los McCann y sus siete amigos cenaban cada noche durante sus vacaciones en Portugal, incluida aquélla en la que desapareció Madeleine, aseguraron que éstos bebían entre 10 y 12 botellas de vino, a las que precedían cervezas y cócteles durante el aperitivo mas lo que tomaban durante las comidas . kate y Gerri de profesión médicos anestesiaban a Madeleine puesto que lloraba 18 horas al día con mucha regularidad porque tenían en casa a su maltratador era ese el motivo de su llanto y se combirtio en un suplicio o martirio para el matrimonio causa del asesinato premeditado en primer grado aquí no podía haber ningún accidente por exceso de anestesia puesto que los dos son médicos .Estos asesinaron a su hija con premeditación .Los Mccann tenían deudas de tres mensualidades de su hipoteca de tres mil euros mensuales y las cuentas al rojo y se tomaron unas vacaciones veraniegas mas 40 días sin pagar nada por sentirse el director del hotel responsable de la desaparición de Madeleine total unas vacaciones a lo grande y todo a costas del asesinato premeditado en primer grado. No hay ningún retrato robot que valga basta, basta, de tanta comedia la falsa del retrato robot inventado por Remenber de Rokley portavoz del gobierno Británico y periodista que costo un millón y medio de Euros que tubieron que pagarles los Mccann por limpiar el nombre. La verdad de Madeleine MCcann DIRÉ PARA MI PESAR QUE BÚSCO DE ÉSTE MÚNDO LA HÓNRADEZ Y DIRÉ QUE ÉSTE COMUNICÁDO ESTÁ YÁ EN PUBLICACIÓN DE MÁS DE 1800 BLOGG DISTRIBUIDO POR LA CIUDAD DE ALGÁRVE Y PORTUAL ES DE HÓNRADEZ LO QUE ESTOY PUBLICÁNDO CON EL BLÓGG MÁS ANTÍGUOS QUE HOS MANDÉ EN SU TIEMPO MUCHAS GENTES SE QUEDARÓN EN PÁRO EN ALGARVE Y PERDIDAS DE TURÍSMOS POR CÚLPA DE LOS MCCANNES ARROGÁNTES PREPOTENTES GENTÚZAS SÍN ESCRÚPULOS AMBICÍOSOS PEDERÁSTA Y ASESÍNO CASO MADELEINE MCCÁNN...SÍ MADELEINE MCCANN ESTÁ VIVA PERO EN NUESTROS CORAZÓNES.PORTUGÁL TERRA DE TRABALLADORES Y EMIGRÁNTES QUE SÓN LOS QUE LA HÁN LEVÁNTADO.Cuando se descubra la verdad se recuperara el turismo y la alegria de algarve recuperacion de empleos y la normalidad con el mundo.Está la reputación de portugal en jaque. "El último gríto de Madeléine MCcánn"
En vez de mistério tuvo más de círco y todo para tapar un asesinato que un niño no lo pasaria
desapercibido, lo demás de rísa por no llorár... Quisiéron hacérles al múndo un labádo de cerébro con retratos robot y comedias con el porta voz al frente.
Caso Madeleine McCann - Operación Task...
Es una manipulacion de ciertos jornaleros implicados con los MCcanes y remenber para segir estafando y sacando fondos Estamostodosaqui...Estamos hante una Máfia Órganizada ...
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