Dear All
In a desperate measure to try and talk up that Gordon Brown is leading a united party, he says that the general election manifesto will be the "most radical programme" that Labour has offered "in recent times".
Anyone interested in Labour lies?
When Brown talks about being radical the control freak means more regulation, top down from above.
We have seen it all before and it stinks.
In like oily double glazing salesmen the ‘Cabinet of the Divided’ spent more than two hours on Tuesday discussing preparations and themes for the campaign.
I still hold with the notion that Brown is preparing to go on the 25th March 2010, it is the most logical date because if he loses then Labour get an immediate bounce attacking Tory cuts.
The election in England is a choice between Tory cuts and Labour cuts!
In Scotland it is a two horse race between the SNP and Labour with the SNP looking at 20 possible seats, but they have a lot of work to do.
The leaking by Labour to the press is in my opinion another example of false flagging May as the election date.
The Labour Party keep trying to talk up that this election is winnable for them; self deluded denial on their part.
Everyone knows they are morally bankrupt, split and due to sheer incompetence have run this country into the ground in so many ways.
From immigration to finance, they have lost control.
It is only a matter of time before the people get to give their verdict on one of the most personally disliked man ever to acquire the office of Prime Minister.
Brown is Labour’s most devastating electoral liabilities; his presence is a good ten point drop at the ballot box.
This election is all about getting rid of one man, Gordon Brown.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
In a desperate measure to try and talk up that Gordon Brown is leading a united party, he says that the general election manifesto will be the "most radical programme" that Labour has offered "in recent times".
Anyone interested in Labour lies?
When Brown talks about being radical the control freak means more regulation, top down from above.
We have seen it all before and it stinks.
In like oily double glazing salesmen the ‘Cabinet of the Divided’ spent more than two hours on Tuesday discussing preparations and themes for the campaign.
I still hold with the notion that Brown is preparing to go on the 25th March 2010, it is the most logical date because if he loses then Labour get an immediate bounce attacking Tory cuts.
The election in England is a choice between Tory cuts and Labour cuts!
In Scotland it is a two horse race between the SNP and Labour with the SNP looking at 20 possible seats, but they have a lot of work to do.
The leaking by Labour to the press is in my opinion another example of false flagging May as the election date.
The Labour Party keep trying to talk up that this election is winnable for them; self deluded denial on their part.
Everyone knows they are morally bankrupt, split and due to sheer incompetence have run this country into the ground in so many ways.
From immigration to finance, they have lost control.
It is only a matter of time before the people get to give their verdict on one of the most personally disliked man ever to acquire the office of Prime Minister.
Brown is Labour’s most devastating electoral liabilities; his presence is a good ten point drop at the ballot box.
This election is all about getting rid of one man, Gordon Brown.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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