Dear All
There is a proposal on the table at Glasgow University which is led by the corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli.
It is job losses.
No surprise there you would be right to think.
Mary Senior, Scottish official for UCU, which represents lecturers, said the university had reneged on a pledge not to implement more job losses during an ongoing restructuring process.
It is a shame that Mary wasn’t aware of the number of corrupt senior management at Glasgow University, she would have known they don’t have that type of integrity to uphold their word.
They are just squalid little people.
Click on this link for a flavour of how corrupt they are;
It is wall to wall scum in there from the top downwards.
The place is a haven for Liars, bullies and thieves, malcontents and grubby little people who have no talent other than being sycophants.
Glasgow University isn’t ‘Kick Ass’, it is more ‘Kiss Ass’ in character.
Less we forget it produced Scotland’s most prolific paedophile Andrew Byrne.
It produced Dr. Brendan Wallace;
Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (Guard) employees face the prospect of being kicked out in the street.
They might want to start packing up their stuff up and looking about for another job elsewhere.
There isn’t the talent in the senior management of Glasgow University and in particular Anton Muscatelli because when asked to return stolen money, Muscatelli couldn’t bring himself to take a man’s role.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
There is a proposal on the table at Glasgow University which is led by the corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli.
It is job losses.
No surprise there you would be right to think.
Mary Senior, Scottish official for UCU, which represents lecturers, said the university had reneged on a pledge not to implement more job losses during an ongoing restructuring process.
It is a shame that Mary wasn’t aware of the number of corrupt senior management at Glasgow University, she would have known they don’t have that type of integrity to uphold their word.
They are just squalid little people.
Click on this link for a flavour of how corrupt they are;
It is wall to wall scum in there from the top downwards.
The place is a haven for Liars, bullies and thieves, malcontents and grubby little people who have no talent other than being sycophants.
Glasgow University isn’t ‘Kick Ass’, it is more ‘Kiss Ass’ in character.
Less we forget it produced Scotland’s most prolific paedophile Andrew Byrne.
It produced Dr. Brendan Wallace;
Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (Guard) employees face the prospect of being kicked out in the street.
They might want to start packing up their stuff up and looking about for another job elsewhere.
There isn’t the talent in the senior management of Glasgow University and in particular Anton Muscatelli because when asked to return stolen money, Muscatelli couldn’t bring himself to take a man’s role.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
In a response to a previous comment, you refused to accept you were an abusive blogger.
Just read your own words, man:
"corrupt foreigner".
"It is wall to wall scum in there from the top downwards."
The place is a haven for Liars, bullies and thieves, malcontents and grubby little people who have no talent other than being sycophants."
You devalue the true cause of Human Rights by using that as the cover for your vendetta against Glasgow University.
Your posts reek of xenophobia, and that curious mix of misogyny and homophobia which tells its own story.
Dear Hamish
I must take you to task over your comments.
In a previous post you rounded on me by saying;
“You demand that Strathclyde Police fully investigate concerns raised about Steven Purcell, but you go on to pillory them for pursuing concerns about the Scottish Islamic Foundation.
Please explain why the first is right and the second is wrong”.
I would have thought as a Labour supporter, you would have as a minimum taken the time to research my opinions before running off at the mouth.
Not only did I say that the Scottish Islamic Foundation should be independent investigated, I went even further and called for it to be closed down.
This is way beyond what I called for into Labour Controlled Glasgow City Council.
Here is the evidence Hamish.
Now, lets us turn to the University of Glasgow issue.
You haven’t researched that either, this is twice that you have run off at the mouth before establishing facts.
Twice Hamish!
Do you think that Glasgow University senior management staff should be allowed bully?
Do you think Glasgow University senior management staff should deny ordinary working class people human rights?
Do you think that Glasgow University senior management should be allowed to lie to obtain a pecuniary advantage by deception?
As you are a Labour supporter tell me why you support institutional bullying, harassment, discrimination, malpractice and fraud at Glasgow University?
Telling the truth Hamish doesn’t make me abusive, I am no Labour Party Candidate Stuart MacLennan.
You have made a fool of yourself again, but I expect no apology from you, you’re Labour.
This bad attitude of you have does you no credit.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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