Monday, July 27, 2009

Gordon Brown more relaunches than Thunderbirds

Dear All

It is that time of the week again, what time?

Relaunch time!

Gordon Brown; the inept leader of the Labour Party who has had more launches than Thunderbirds is trying again to stir up support for his party of walking dead; he is trying to raise moral.

In order to do this is he is calling for discipline from party members.

Recently; a poll of grassroots Labour activists were screaming for a change of leader, so I don’t expect much support there for his witterings.

So, in the autumn there is supposed to be a “fight back”; to do and say what?

Things are going to get better?

Everyone knows that Gordon Brown intends to massively cut budgets, so where is the help, the hope and the rosy future?

If there is any good news is that Labour MPs have put Brown on notice; he has until the September party conference season to demonstrate he is capable of leading the party.

A verdict was recently delivered in the Norwich North by-election in the form of a humiliating defeat at the hands of the voters.

As usual Gordon Brown is divorced from reality by this statement;

"We've got to show that we are a disciplined party getting on with the work of government. I think people are very clear that we've got a task ahead."

The task ahead is clear, get rid of Gordon Brown that is the number one priority for Labour.

Another character divorced from reality is the Chancellor Alistair Darling who is going about saying Labour would win the next general election.

Presumably he doesn’t know what is going on in the country!

On a happy note rent a mouth Labour backbencher Eric Joyce, has been going around saying even Cabinet ministers had given up the battle. His gem;

"There are some doomsayers who have given up the ghost some of them Cabinet, some of the ministers of state, some of them ex-Cabinet ministers."

How are Brown and Darling missing these people? They do attend the House of Commons on a regular basis.

Panic is setting in the Labour MP Ranks has unemployment is staring them in the face; the Tory swing in Norwich North if repeated would give them a 200 majority.

New Labour has nothing to offer the people but hardship and inequality.

It’s over!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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