Dear All
Do you know exactly what it takes to win independence?
Carrying the people!
But the people cannot be carried by populism, or by lying or spin, not when it concerns their lives, the lives of their family and community.
Yes Scotland has just recently unveiled their team, and surprise surprise, it wasn’t a surprise.
The only non-SNP politician on the board will be former MSP Colin Fox, co-convener of the Scottish Socialist Party.
What most of other team members have in common is no real activism experience in politics with the exception of Canavan and Sturgeon.
And recently we saw the ‘crack pot’ idea of wanting to attend unionist party conferences to sell independence to diehard unionists floated by Yes Scotland.
After the disastrous launch of the ‘Declaration of Cineworld’ support for independence dropped by about 4%.
Fast forward to the present and the news is getting even worse, Scottish voters are turning strongly against independence.
How big is the scale of the disaster?
Think of The Towering inferno, The Poseidon Adventure and the Titanic all rolled into one, with a dash of Kentucky Fried movie, thrown in for good measure.
The Yes UK campaign in the latest opinion poll shows the cross-party unionist camp is charging ahead with a record 20-point lead.
And they aren’t really trying either, that is the best of it.
Six months ago, the gap was only nine points in the Yes UK camp's favour; a year ago, it was one point in the Yes Scotland camp's favour.
It is amazing achievement to drop like a stone so quickly.
And of course, we shouldn’t forget those 90 minute nationalists who are politically inactive and then turn up at branch meetings seeking nominations, telling us all how we should all be out there taking the message to the people .... to get them elected.
I have an opinion on these people ……. Pri*ks!
Anyway back to Braveheart Alex Salmond, my leader, the man who ‘doesn’t stand up for working class people’ like me!
He has a real problem and dilemma, he wants something that he can’t deliver and with growing support for giving Holyrood more powers, he has a choice to make.
The Two Questions!
If the SNP Government put two questions on the ballot paper then there will be trouble ahead, probably in the shape of the UK Supreme Court.
And of course Alex Salmond doesn’t want to go there, they have flawless legal judgement, the independence referendum will not get legal authority via the Section 30 order as it relates to only the one question.
And there will also be an argument over that one on wording.
Chris Eynon, head of TNS-BMRB Scotland said:
"The balance of public opinion has swung strongly in favour of the Union and the independence movement would appear for now to have their work cut out to reverse this. They at least have time on their side to do so."
So much for the popularity approach by nationalists!
Better Together who campaign for a Yes UK vote in 2014 and are backed by Labour, the LibDems and Tories, they are over the moon and with the recent Yes Scotland board being announced, they say that Yes Scotland is essentially an SNP vehicle.
One senior SNP figure commenting on that board said:
"I'm not too sure what some of them will actually bring to the table. Some of them seem to be candyfloss."
Try cronyism.
Labour MSP John Park said:
"After shutting the Greens and [Independent MSP] Margo MacDonald out, and stuffing the board with party donors and apparatchiks, they've become the YeSNP campaign."
So, things going backwards; no real talent in the SNP, a Yes Scotland board which is SNP dominated, with a former pop star linked to SNP MSP Joan McAlpine, a chef, a fitness trainer and Tory defector who joined the SNP and was politically inactive for 5 years.
That will deliver independence Mr. Salmond?
What about me?
Well I am still waiting for:
1/ A formal apology from the SNP.
2/ The failure to investigate allegations of smearing against me dealt with.
3/ The breaking of the law regards my Data Subject Access Request dealt with.
4/ The SNP to deal with the malicious smear campaign by National Secretary William Henderson who is trying to brand me homophobic based on absolutely no evidence.
I guess that some people really do believe that stupidity is a substitute for intelligence.
20 point lead for the unionists and they aren’t even trying yet.
If the SNP is interested in my services, the price now also includes the resignation of National Secretary William Henderson for his trumped up malicious allegation against me.
Has the panic set in yet Mr. Salmond, the realisation that the clique doesn’t have the potential to deliver independence?
Don't worry, it soon will!
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
1 comment:
As an SNP member of 20 odd years, I and many others in the party are disgusted at Willie Henderson. We have all read your blog on Cineworld and not one of us can see any sexual or homophobic remarks.
Herr Willie is now regarded as a bullying Party hick.
Wonder what colour his tongue is?
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