Dear All
The Scottish National Party is falling apart.
Hard core SNP Activists are refusing to come out and fight elections.
People who smear innocent people who are close to the leadership of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon get away with it.
A Data Subject Access Request sent to the SNP HQ by recorded delivery never arrived and the Chief Executive and husband of Nicola Sturgeon refuses to answer questions from a victim of SNP smearing, has he received the recorded delivery letter?
Add to that, you have an alleged wife beater, hate filled bigots, liars, smearers and candidates who abuse disabled people, Catholics, Jews and Muslims.
The Scottish National Party 2012!
Recently I got a letter from Alex Salmond asking me to ‘get involved in the local campaign’. Dear Mr. Laird.....
When Alex Salmond stands up for George Laird then he can get the opportunity to present his case to arguably one of the best SNP Activists in Scotland.
So, what is my gripe?
It turns out I am the victim of an SNP smear campaign, complaint sent to Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell, Ian McCann and Derek MacKay MSP.
Six months have gone by and still these people who stand up for Scotland are refusing to stand up for a working class member.
Rather makes a mockery of the SNP claim that they stand up for fairness, equality and social justice.
As my friend who is a Labour supporter said:
“If Alex Salmond cannot defend the democracy in his own party, how can the people of Scotland believe he will lead them to be an independent democratic country”?
Things are now so bad in the Scottish National Party, it is now a divided party; no one wants to work for the middle class clique.
In the truly awful SNP broadcast, the tune says it all ‘divided we fall’.
Well, unless Alex Salmond can draw on the goodwill extended to him by the people, the ‘Salmond bounce’, the yellow map of Scotland might not be so yellow on May 4th.
I blogged on how some of the SNP think they are more clever than they actually are, case in point, front page of the SNP newspaper for Glasgow, picture of candidate not standing in Glasgow Council election 2012!
Talking to SNP members posing as voters outside their own home!
How absolutely unoriginal.
The newspaper is being promoted by Gail Lythgoe who smeared the Labour MP Ian ‘the deerhunter’ Davidson by saying in an email he has a history of bullying women.
That was a lie!
Currently, we have Frank Roy, a Labour MP who is writing the First Minister asking for confirmation that he will not support the election of SNP Candidate Lyall Duff.
Duff was last week suspended from the SNP pending a disciplinary investigation after describing two Roman Catholic midwives as “money-grabbing old witches”.
And the bad news for Salmond keeps rolling in as it seems that Duff, has another identity online, not as a masked avenger but as internet alias Auld Nick.
Auld Nick, the Devil?
Duff has told a Sunday Newspaper he used the moniker but said it had also been adopted by his son, also Lyall, and several mechanics working at his garage.
The classic ‘it wasn’t me it was a big boy who done it and ran away defence’.
As well as Muslims, Jews and immigrants, Auld Nick’s posts also attacked Lanarkshire.
Maybe he was getting ahead start of anyone wanting to invade an independent Scotland?
Mr Duff is standing as a candidate for the Murdostoun ward for North Lanarkshire Council, a Labour-controlled local authority that is a key SNP target in the elections.
However, given working class Scots strong sense of social justice, his chances and by default the SNP chances in Murdostoun could be seriously affected and that could also affect any other SNP candidate standing in that ward.
Awhile ago I stated that the tide was turning against the SNP and when it started, it would be like quicksilver.
George Laird right again.
Adding to the car crash that the nationalists find themselves in, is the controversy surrounding Bill Walker, the SNP MSP, who refused to resign his Scottish Parliament seat despite being expelled from the party amid allegations of domestic abuse.
He now sits as an independent nationalist.
Back to Mr Duff’s suspension!
His trouble has created a massive headache for Alex Salmond as the deadline for candidate nominations has passed, meaning he will appear on the ballot paper representing the SNP.
I wonder if Duff has ever danced on a pub table shouting freedom!!!
Anyway, the Labour Party is playing politics with this political football much in the same way as the SNP do when they get an opportunity.
This Labour fitba is about legally smearing, unfortunately for the SNP; the Labour Party is using the truth, ouch, ouch, ouch.
In his ‘letter of destiny’, Frank Roy said he was “deeply troubled” by the comments on Jews and Muslims and lambasted the “extraordinary insults” directed at Lanarkshire.
Roy to Salmond:
“The longer you provide him with your political protection, the more it looks like you are uninterested in actually dealing with the issue. I am therefore asking you to confirm that you will no longer endorse his candidature, and give an undertaking that you will encourage your Nationalist supporters in Murdostoun not to vote for him.”
No luck Alex Salmond!
Roy said that Alex Salmond has to disown Duff as this action would demonstrate that all Scotland’s mainstream political parties “reject this type of sickening bile and hatred”.
A SNP spokesman said:
“Lyall Duff was suspended from the party immediately after these deeply offensive and wholly unacceptable remarks were brought to our attention. It would be inappropriate to comment further until the disciplinary process reaches its conclusion.”
Try Duff was suspended after the story got into the public domain; I have been waiting six months for the SNP to act after I reported that I was the victim of a hate filled SNP smear campaign.
I wonder how clever the SNP will feel after this election if they don’t win Glasgow and other target areas because of the actions of the out of control middle class clique that surrounds Salmond and Sturgeon.
So, what would I say to Alex Salmond?
When you are prepared to stand up for George Laird, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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