Dear All
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it true?
The Labour Party has pledged to provide free public wi-fi internet access across Glasgow if it wins power in the city after the council elections in May.
Free wifi is an excellent carrot to throw at an increasingly educationally hungry bunch of Glaswegians keen to better themselves.
The decision could be a huge blow to the Scottish National Party in their hopes to win the city from Labour.
Labour are also fielding an ‘A Team’, running a very strong campaign, billboards, good campaign letters, fighting well in cyber space, even Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson has risen to the challenge.
Another carrot for Glaswegians is London-style Oyster transport cards.
Council leader Gordon Matheson is looking increasingly like a man who isn’t packing up his office.
The SNP is desperate to take power in Scotland’s biggest city but what was once thought of as a canter to the chambers is looking increasingly a nightmare.
SNP Leader Allison Hunter has been found wanting, gaffe after gaffe followed by more gaffe.
In a recent interview, the SNP leader had to ask Labour and Lib Dem leaders if what she was talking about was correct.
In a piece of magnificent theatre Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson looked at her, took a three second pause then nodded at her.
A power move to show who was in command.
Despite the current Labour regime becoming a minority administration earlier in the year after a spate of defections, the fight back has started against the seemingly unbeatable ‘Sturgeon’ machine which controls Glasgow SNP.
Anything less than on outright victory and majority will be a disaster for the nationalists.
Labour is drafting in troops from outside the city to work each area hard, as the day of judgement gets closer, the work will be ramped up.
Labour isn’t going to give up the city to the SNP without a fight, so far, they putting forward a strong campaign, strong candidates and strong policies.
Free wifi for all citizens, what a great vote snatcher to come out with by the Labour Party!
The rewritten SNP manifesto will probably now have to be a rewritten again in light of Labour’s manifesto commitments.
What a great shame that the Scottish National Party didn’t go with George Laird radical thinking, watching from the sidelines, the ‘Sturgeon’ machine will need to do better.
Much better!
I look at the Labour manifesto:
And I look at what I was given to read at SNP GRA meeting.
And I still say Glasgow SNP needs its own training hub and a move towards a more professional approach.
Labour has raised the bar and set the standard, let's see if the rewritten SNP manifesto can match it.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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