Dear All
Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame are all about ‘tough talk’.
In order to try and paper over the cracks of Labour controlled quango Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), Purcell is appointing a lawyer is to oversee the "clean up" of Scotland's largest transport authority.
So, what will Glasgow Labour Councillor Jonathan Findlay find when he gets to the SPT?
Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame are all about ‘tough talk’.
In order to try and paper over the cracks of Labour controlled quango Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), Purcell is appointing a lawyer is to oversee the "clean up" of Scotland's largest transport authority.
So, what will Glasgow Labour Councillor Jonathan Findlay find when he gets to the SPT?
The main people of interest for his investigation have jumped ship.
Expect an investigation using buzzwords of the ‘lessons learned’ variety.
Expect lots of mouth but little condemnation.
Expect the Labour Party line, all trips etc approved by the multi party make up of the board.
Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell said Mr Findlay would make the necessary changes at SPT.
Is that a joke?
Purcell is a funny little Glaswegian is he not?
As part of his ‘tough talk’ Purcell has said;
"I have asked Jon to take a firm grip of SPT and get to the bottom of everything that is going on there."
A Labour Party investigation!
Of Labour Councillors!
Into Labour’s cash cow!
In bumming up Findlay, Purcell added;
"I know that Jon takes the responsibility that comes with public money very seriously”.
Didn’t Labour Councillor Alistair Watson?
Didn’t Labour Councillor David McLachlan?
Didn’t former Labour PPC Ron Culley?
This part of Purcell’s muttering is a cracker and I want to draw attention to it,
“he will ensure that SPT spends its public money in a way that the tax payers of Glasgow will agree is right and proper."
Unaccountable quango filled with Labour appointees, where’s our vote if we don’t agree?
Labour’s cash cow is under new management.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
Expect an investigation using buzzwords of the ‘lessons learned’ variety.
Expect lots of mouth but little condemnation.
Expect the Labour Party line, all trips etc approved by the multi party make up of the board.
Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell said Mr Findlay would make the necessary changes at SPT.
Is that a joke?
Purcell is a funny little Glaswegian is he not?
As part of his ‘tough talk’ Purcell has said;
"I have asked Jon to take a firm grip of SPT and get to the bottom of everything that is going on there."
A Labour Party investigation!
Of Labour Councillors!
Into Labour’s cash cow!
In bumming up Findlay, Purcell added;
"I know that Jon takes the responsibility that comes with public money very seriously”.
Didn’t Labour Councillor Alistair Watson?
Didn’t Labour Councillor David McLachlan?
Didn’t former Labour PPC Ron Culley?
This part of Purcell’s muttering is a cracker and I want to draw attention to it,
“he will ensure that SPT spends its public money in a way that the tax payers of Glasgow will agree is right and proper."
Unaccountable quango filled with Labour appointees, where’s our vote if we don’t agree?
Labour’s cash cow is under new management.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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