Dear All
The Labour Pasrty has disclosed one of their themes for the Westminister General Election.
SNP ‘munchiesgate’.
So the Labour Party has set the tone of how the election is to be fought.
Nasty and vindictive!
Is this a smart move?
I think not.
So, what should the SNP do?
Well, it is a Westminister election and there are three Labour MPs up on criminal charges.
On top of that there is the greed aspect of the numerous other Scottish Labour MPs who have to pay money back that was wrongly claimed on expenses.
All political parties have fund raising events to make money for election campaigns and to support candidates, it's a fact of life.
Is it wrong that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon put themselves up for auction?
No, it is their personal choice if they wish to donate their free time.
The issue of whether the venue was appropriate is being followed up and the Parliament Corporate body will be issuing advice in the near future.
Once that advice is given, everyone will have a better understanding of where they stand.
Or in this case sit and eat and with who.
Labour’s business manager Paul Martin said;
“It is quite right there is a proper investigation and it is also time Alex Salmond made a full apology for bringing the office of First Minister into disrepute.”
Funny that Paul Martin thinks that there is a need for a proper investigation but doesn’t think that hearing should start before issuing a verdict of guilty.
This is from a man who got free flights because of his father’s taxpayer funded air miles.
Free flights for him, his wife and two daughters!
The difference between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon vs Paul Martin is that Martin has a record history of personal financial benefit for himself and his family at the taxpayers’ expense.
Everyone is expecting a nasty vindictive election between the political parties but that isn’t the way to get a mandate.
If the Labour Party throws mud, then the SNP should run both a positive and negative campaign in tandem.
If anything it may provide some amusement to the public.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
The Labour Pasrty has disclosed one of their themes for the Westminister General Election.
SNP ‘munchiesgate’.
So the Labour Party has set the tone of how the election is to be fought.
Nasty and vindictive!
Is this a smart move?
I think not.
So, what should the SNP do?
Well, it is a Westminister election and there are three Labour MPs up on criminal charges.
On top of that there is the greed aspect of the numerous other Scottish Labour MPs who have to pay money back that was wrongly claimed on expenses.
All political parties have fund raising events to make money for election campaigns and to support candidates, it's a fact of life.
Is it wrong that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon put themselves up for auction?
No, it is their personal choice if they wish to donate their free time.
The issue of whether the venue was appropriate is being followed up and the Parliament Corporate body will be issuing advice in the near future.
Once that advice is given, everyone will have a better understanding of where they stand.
Or in this case sit and eat and with who.
Labour’s business manager Paul Martin said;
“It is quite right there is a proper investigation and it is also time Alex Salmond made a full apology for bringing the office of First Minister into disrepute.”
Funny that Paul Martin thinks that there is a need for a proper investigation but doesn’t think that hearing should start before issuing a verdict of guilty.
This is from a man who got free flights because of his father’s taxpayer funded air miles.
Free flights for him, his wife and two daughters!
The difference between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon vs Paul Martin is that Martin has a record history of personal financial benefit for himself and his family at the taxpayers’ expense.
Everyone is expecting a nasty vindictive election between the political parties but that isn’t the way to get a mandate.
If the Labour Party throws mud, then the SNP should run both a positive and negative campaign in tandem.
If anything it may provide some amusement to the public.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
the advice was already given
5.1.8 Members should not participate in any event if they are aware, or become aware, that the organisers are promoting the event on the basis that those paying to attend the event are “buying” influence over MSPs or that they can expect to receive better subsequent access to, or treatment by MSPs, than would be accorded to any other person or organisation.
"or that they can expect to receive better subsequent access to, or treatment by MSPs, than would be accorded to any other person or"
Dear Mxyzptlk
The people who were the bidders were not 'buying access' or even 'better treatment'.
Given the wining bids were well beyond what would be paid for the lunch, I fail to see how this rule applies.
My personal view is that rather than an auction to the highest bidder, I would have gone the route of a raffle.
That way everyone would have an equal chance regardless of social status and finanical wealth.
I think that everyone should wait until to the new advice is given the Parliament Corporate body.
If the answer is no, then Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon will abide by the ruling.
The same standards must apply to everyone.
Finally, remember when the SNP Councillor jumped, I thought it would be Alex Dingwall at Glasgow City Council.
He has now jumped.
My only surprise is that he went to the Lib Dems.
His pals are all Labour Councillors.
I didn't want to stick his name up incase I got stick from people.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
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