Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The SNP are Shameful and Beyond Wicked; Parents of rejected Scottish straight-A pupils write to Nicola Sturgeon attacking her 'degrading' cap on Scottish university places, Scots kids shut out of Scots universities, the SNP want to flood Scotland with ‘cheap labour’ o gerrymander a referendum vote, irony of Sturgeon calling UK Government's immigration plans ‘devastating and offensive’ is nonsense, every step of a Scots life, Sturgeon is denying them opportunities

Dear All

An interesting piece popped up in the Telegraph which plays into a theme which I have highlighted for years about Scots being shut out of higher education.

The Scottish National Party are trying to create a skills shortage in Scotland, with this idea, they then plan to push for powers to control immigration into Scotland. The jist of this is that as a narrative, they will claim there aren’t enough doctors and other professionals to secure the health, wealth and social cohesion of Scotland. As they rail against the UK Government with their made up grievance, behind it is a push for Scottish Independence.

As much I as I have tried to highlight this publicly, it seems the message is only starting to click with the wider public. Parents of a straight-A son student; who was rejected from Edinburgh University's Medical School want answers. They have emailed Nicola Sturgeon to tell her;

"Stop making out to the electorate that SNP are securing our kids' futures when you certainly are not."

Another parent challenged Sturgeon to explain why her daughter could not study English at St Andrews despite obtaining five A grades at Higher, and the course only requiring three. To address the first concern, the SNP want to create a problem, and Universities who are in bed with the SNP Government want the high fees of foreign students into their coffers. So, right from the get go; the young Scottish person who wanted to be a doctor faced discrimination at both SNP Government and University level. This type of discrimination is legal, because they did so ‘under the rules’, the rules they set. As to getting into St Andrew’s or as some call it the University of Southern England, well the title speaks for itself. There is a high volume of fee paying students going there, and will continue to go there, after all it is Prince William went there?

A third disgruntled parent described visiting an Edinburgh University open day and being told that only a small proportion of places on the courses her son was interested in studying were available for Scottish-domiciled youngsters. For the Universities, funded by the Scottish taxpayer but not accountable to the Scottish taxpayer, the situation won’t change, the SNP Cabinet who are university educated simply aren’t interested. Like the EU, Scots are paying through the nose for a limited service and in return we get limited places. We have an over funded university system, a law unto itself, and an underfunded college system.

For years, both the SNP Government under both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon have hoisted a false flag of being concerned about the lack of students from the most poorest backgrounds. They have worked on this false flag of equal access with the Universities to create an illusion that the problem is that kids from poorer backgrounds aren’t as smart. To that end, we keep hearing that universities are working tirelessly to raise standards and lowering the bar to get more poor kids in. You see this as a news splash of ’60 kids from Easterhouse’ to get university places, it makes the news. What you don’t stop to consider is why it makes the news, it does so because it is un-usual. 

So, now you know again, why the SNP in collusion with universities aren’t going anything other than bleeding the Scottish taxpayers for cash.

As we are leaving the EU, things will be changing, one such plan which will really boost opportunities for poorer people is the UK Government plan to end freedom of movement. Let’s ask you a question; would you rather be going to a job interview with a few candidates or a few hundred candidates? I suspect you would say a few candidates because logically this would mean you chances of employment dramatically increase. It isn’t rocket science to work out that more people chasing the same job means less opportunity, but people like the SNP crow about the great thing that is diversity except they don’t experience the downside of it. What are the downsides, less jobs, less housing, less educational opportunities, reduced access to health services, longer waiting times, these are a few of the disadvantages.

I support the UK Government plans to end freedom of movement and introduce a new points-based immigration system. It isn’t a party political matter but it will be used as such, already, Nicola Sturgeon is complaining. Sturgeon says end freedom of movement will be "devastating" for Scotland. Why devastating, because without access to ‘cheap labour’, companies will be forced to pay Scots and others a fairer rate of pay. Are you aware of the ‘Viking Case’ which came before the EU Courts?

This case basically declared that in effect workers rights are a myth in the EU, the case saw a company sack all its workers and replace them with cheap labour from another country. The judges upheld the right of the company to do this. This is because the EU is controlled by corporations and works purely for their interests while portraying the myth they are all about the rights and protections of the people; the politicians at Brussels are mere puppets.

The UK Government has decided to stop 'Low-skilled' migrant workers coming to the UK to work; they are to be denied visas after Brexit. Less candidates, more jobs and higher wages, because the scales will be tipped more favourably towards workers. Isn’t interesting  how the alleged socialist parties such as Labour and the SNP are fighting this, especially when it benefits the low skilled workers in the UK in getting higher wages!

Whose side is Nicola Sturgeon on?

Well, she was never on your side, like Tony Blair, she is willing to sell out Scotland to the EU, as long as she and her cult get status.

Sturgeon tweeted:

"It is impossible to overstate how devastating this UK gov policy will be for Scotland's economy. Our demographics mean we need to keep attracting people here - this makes it so much harder. Getting power over migration in @ScotParl is now a necessity for our future prosperity."

Given the SNP have made Scotland, the highest tax place in the UK, people don’t want to come here.

She added:

"Tory immigration policy is offensive in principle - it labels vital workers, making a big contribution as ‘low skilled’ & slams the door in their faces. And it is disastrous in practice - it will badly damage our economy. We must get powers to create policy for our needs & values."

Is there such a thing as a low skilled worker?

The answer is yes, and why shouldn’t the UK decide who comes into our country, every other country gets to decide that, it is a fundamental principle of sovereignty to regulate your borders in terms of people, goods and services.

Ben Macpherson, the Scottish Government's migration minister, accused the Conservative government of "engaging in dog-whistle politics".

He said the proposals, which will bring about the end of freedom of movement for people, are "incredibly worrying and concerning".

He added:

"The UK Government is really engaging in dog-whistle politics here by painting immigration as a negative concept when we have all been enriched, financially and culturally, by inward migration and it is incredibly important for our future."

As part of her independence strategy for a referendum, Sturgeon harks about the demographic challenges Scotland faces with its ageing population, which led to the nonsense for a distinctive "Scottish visa". The Sturgeon plan was rejected rightly out of hand because the UK Government knows what the agenda really is, gerrymandering a referendum vote. Don’t confuse yourself that Sturgeon is concerned with demographic challenges Scotland; she has made Scotland an unattractive place both financially and socially to live and work. The UK economy needs to move away from a reliance on "cheap labour from Europe", and wealth must be re-distributed downwards. This is what the UK
Government, whose new immigration policy statement argues the UK economy needs.

More jobs, higher wages and more buying of goods and services for people living in the UK, what is not to like about the benefits of the new policy?

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel said on the immigration proposals:
"It is right that people should speak English before they come to our country, that they should have a sponsored route, whether it's through employment or a sponsored route through an academic institution."

In assisting the SNP line of attack, Marc Crothall, chief executive of the Scottish Tourism Alliance, said:

"The announcement of the UK Government's plans for a new points-based immigration system appears now be the biggest threat to Scotland's tourism industry. We have very fragile areas in our economy and it is more important than ever that we're able to attract and retain people, particularly in the Highlands and Islands and other rural areas. We need a differentiated system that is responsive to the specific needs of our tourism industry, our demography and our wider economy and sectors."

The new immigration rules aren’t just about helping Scots, they are about helping out people UK wide. Countries such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand operate points based system, these countries are seen as highly desirable to live in; shouldn’t we also have that opportunity. People talk about how the care and tourism sectors will suffer without cheap labour. Funny is it not about the great concern for end of life care while the SNP are willing to see someone spend a lifetime not getting ahead, not making forward progress and not living the dream.

Finally, although the points based system will be coming in, it is right that we bring to an end freedom of movement. Freedom of movement has not been a benefit to Scots or indeed the rest of the UK, the concept was abused. This led to the end of EU membership after 47 years because the EU put corporations before people. The weight of EU corruption was a weight the UK couldn’t hold any longer, so we voted to let it go. It is clear the UK government who are being demonized for caring about working class people face challenges; one challenge will be to counter the SNP lies and propaganda about SNP ‘helping' Scots. The parents of Scots youngsters denied a university place in their own country is shameful and wicked, but they are wiser now, our task, make the rest of the country as wise.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Great Blog George. Do you think the Westminster government will be wise about Sturgeon's plans on immigration? Alister

  2. Dear Alister

    I think the UK gov has gone her pegged alright.


  3. Good post, George. People that are whinging that a "points based system" is "racist" need to wise up and wake up.

  4. great article mr laird. the other big worry is how to bust the 'fatberg' which is the rank and file of the nats ,,, and the uk govt. would have to have rocks in their head if they cannot discern sturgeon's moves. 'you keep them poor and I'll keep the honest... supposedly said by walter Scott to his cousin the Duke of Buccleugh. now it is just keep them poor and under educated, to stoke the bravheart knee jerk anti English sentiment which provides all the answers to their strong sense of 'being hard done to' I read an article by Linda Holt (think Scotland) who wrote about 'shy tories' and that the open breezy Ruth Davidson gave the tories a bit of courage to come out of the woodwork. A short lived happy hour, I fear.

  5. Bang on the money George .Incisive blog full of the sort of intelligent, thoughtful common sense that Scots once had in abundance. The dumbing down of a large section of the Scottish electorate into a brain washed cult that are incapable of seeing through the incoherent nonsense that is pedalled by the SNP is tragic and leaves me in despair at times.

  6. Interesting points on many issues, however it is erroneous to assert that the UK government are being "demonised for caring about working class people". The current UK government are clearly & unequivocally interested in working class people only to the extent they can manipulate them to gain power. Their "divide & rule" strategy is neither different to nor better than that of the SNP - both are equally wrong. Neither is it fair to propogate the view that immigration is bad; someone with the drive to move to a different country in order to better themselves has the kind of mindset you should want to have in your community.
    People who put lies on the side of a bus are interested in serving only themselves. Until the UK develops a society where the qualities of an individual are genuinely given greater consideration than who their parents are, where they reside or whether they attended the "right" type of school there will be no real change to the lack of opportunity experienced by so many, or the undeserved privileges enjoyed by others.
    The politics of division has, unsurprisingly, been repeatedly demonstrated by history to be self-defeating; one can only invent so many variations of "them" to stir up the tribal instincts of "us" before you run out of any combination of scapegoats, tangible results, grievances to exploit or false promises to make. The lesson that never seems to quite sink in with opportunists who rely on a populist message to gain power & influence is that the revolution always eats its children.

  7. Given the appalling drop in pass rates, there won't be enough Scottish kids capable of uni. 10% drop? That is shocking and unforgivable. No doubts the zealots will blame WM as usual.

  8. there's a building site near me and all i hear are foreign voices, it wasn't like that 20 years ago. Do you still get Scots working in Scottish building sites.

  9. Never mind the Fury fight, now its Robertson vs Cherry. Timing is significant. Cherry's seat might be under threat, but this has got to be the first move towards the leadership. Meanwhile over on Wings, regular zealots don't see education as a failure, rather the fault of the evil WM cabal.

  10. Now Mhairi Black is at it. Read your Twitter post, George. Renfrewshire Council are now investigating and I truly hope they find a breach in regulations. There was a similar case in East Kilbride a few years ago. Personally I don't give a toss what an adult identifies themselves as, but as a parent it is not for a politician to allow someone to swan into a primary school to promote their own views.

  11. Apologies for another post George. Apparently Black has locked her Twitter account. Prepare for an apology soon....

  12. Super argument. Keep them coming
