Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Shameful past, a shameful present and a shameful future, the SNP under Nicola Sturgeon is totally corrupt and morally bankrupt it is time that political parties spoke out against Nationalist ‘political lgbt’ and their agenda for confusing kids, to bring a drag queen with highly sexualised material online into a school goes against any shred of decency, not only should Mhairi Black resign as an MP, John Swinney should follow her and resign as an SNP Minister

Dear All

For years, I highlighted the four main groups that control the SNP, Lgbt, Muslim, Sein Fein Lite and the rich, the most dominant one is Lgbt, naturally the SNP don't like this, they like to give the impression that they are a party for all of Scotland. Like much of the SNP output it is a crafted way to spin a lie, much like the way they sneak out reports of their failures late at night.

In recent weeks the story relating to former SNP Minister Derek Mackay has disgusted people. A grown homosexual man who was chasing after a 16 year old schoolboy in what some people called a “grooming scandal”.  All Derek Mackay did was lift the lid of a despicable and rather seedy operation called the Scottish National Party and how they target and want to sexualize children. We now know that SNP sexualization extends, not just at secondary school but also at primary schools so that children through-out their school lives are bombarded with propaganda over a period of years.

Nicola Sturgeon is the SNP Leader who is to blame for this!

Sturgeon controls the Scottish Government and among other things talks about Lgbt as an ‘exotic lifestyle’, which is a rather strange comment to make as others have mentioned. Her exotic comment was made because in recent times Nicola Sturgeon has been fending off suggestions by people for years that she is a lesbian. The rumours relate to Ms Sturgeon’s private life, cannot be disclosed for legal reasons which some people say is due allegedly to a super injunction being in place gagging the press.

One thing appears to have been flagged up by the press; something is being gagged for legal reasons.

Former SNP leader John Swinney has fallen far from grace, he is the ‘man on the ground’ as Education Sec; it is he that is making sure schools push the Nationalist Lgbt agenda.

Swinney is like a facilitator, the link between Government and the schools, making sure Lgbt material from the Lgbt community is pushed right down kids’ throats. This is done not to educate but to confuse children, there is no reason for this agenda to be taught in a school.

A series of questions for John Swinney might include;

Are you totally without honour?

Where is your integrity in public life?

What Lgbt organizations shaped this material?

Why does the SNP finance so many Lgbt organizations in Scotland?

Did any heterosexual organizations contribute material?

Whatever happens in the future, John Swinney’s career in public office is tarnished forever.

As an outsider, it looks to me that kids cannot get educated in Scotland, but they are like battery chickens on a production line. They are being brainwashed on an SNP Lgbt conveyor belt. John Swinney is the ‘man on the ground’, the front man, always best to use a heterosexual as a front man for this type of operation, gives the ‘illusion of principle’ where none exists.

We have people like lesbian SNP MP Mhairi Black adding to quality control in her role as an MP, adding to the school mix. At the end of the production line, well at the end of the ‘production line’ we have seen recently suspended ex SNP MSP Derek Mackay. What was 42 year old homosexual Derek Mackay’s end game for a 16 year old schoolboy who he said was ‘cute’ and why did he keep pursuing this boy to the tune of 270 messages?

Did he want to assess how quality control was working?

Lesbian SNP MP Mhairi Black is sometimes called by others ‘Manky’ Black, she is a middle class careerist from a rather comfortable middle class background who the SNP used to try and get the kids interested in Nationalism. Her ‘act’ isn’t drag, it is a mixture of Rab C Nesbitt and the ‘alright mucker’ mentality. This is to give the impression of the young scheme ned with the rough workie voice who done good. Black’s only claim to fame is that she was taken under the wing of Jim Sillars during the indyref campaign of 2014 with that she got elected to Westminster and has been a failure as an MP since.

She has spoken in 15 debates in the last year — below average amongst MPs

She has received answers to only 6 written questions in the last year — average amongst MPs.

Mhairi Black seen as a rising star of the SNP is a below average MP.

Black’s bad judgment is now called into question openly over the Flowjob row; the drag queen row centres Paisley MP Mhairi Black visiting a local school last week with an adult entertainer. The issue isn’t the fact that a drag queen read a story to children, but rather a drag queen whose has an online presence is steeped in filth both in words and in pictures. He was seen as fit and proper to be allowed into a primary school because Black knows him, no questions asked it appears. The pair visited Glencoats Primary as part of LGBTQ history month, but whether it was done as part of LGBTQ history month, it isn’t a cover or a pass for asking whether this was right and proper in the first place. Mhairi Black and the drag queen had prior association having been photographed together; there is even a picture of Nicola Sturgeon with the drag queen as well.

A question I haven’t come across is whether this guy is an SNP member?

Here is a disturbing video of someone who thinks that drag queen story time is wrong.

You need to watch it as you need also to watch this video on twitter.

One thing however didn’t surprise me and that where Lgbt people who have spoken out that this was wrong. One person wrote this episode harks back to the time that people saw Lgbt people as paedophiles. In previous posts, I had wrote that the SNP had been taking Scotland backwards, didn’t think for a minute tho that applied to the Lgbt community.

But we live and learn!

Black defended the visit as a “great day” and accused critics of homophobia which is mental when you think Lgbt people think this is so wrong. Now we have SNP’s new head spin-doctor blundering into the row when you think about a period of silence would be needed. Former Daily Record editor Murray Foote admitted a late-night tweet he sent about the issue had failed to reflect “legitimate parental concerns”. In that respect he is like Black because she didn’t give a toss about parents concerns either. Foote compared what happened with a visit to the panto.

He wrote:

“I could be wrong but do thousands of parents not voluntarily take their primary age kids along to see drag acts in pantomime every Christmas?”

Nine hours later, after a wave of online criticism, Foote issued a clarification.

He wrote:

“In hindsight, this tweet lacked the necessary qualification around some of the legitimate parental concerns about social media posts. I was attempting to make too broad a point.”

Former Daily Record editor, now an SNP spindoctor, not a great start pouring petrol on a fire!

Edinburgh Tory councillor John McLellan, a fellow former newspaper editor, replied;

“Aye, the spin doctoring lark takes a bit of getting used to, eh Murray?”

A spokesperson for Renfrewshire Council said:

"The school pupils at Glencoats Primary are currently organising a series of activities and events to mark LGBT history month. In discussion with pupils in their Rainbow club, one of their requests was to invite people from the LGBT community to hear about their own experiences growing up and they wanted to invite a drag queen to talk to this group to hear about their own personal experience. Learning about values including equalities and diversity has an important role in the school curriculum. All school visits are arranged and managed with the wellbeing of pupils first and foremost however it is clear in this case, the social media content associated with the speaker's stage persona is not appropriate for the children and had we been aware of this, the visit would not have been arranged. We are sorry for the concern this has caused and are investigating."

Why should there be a LGBT history month in the first place?

Did a band of enlightened heterosexuals just get together and decide that would be a good idea?

The answer is no!

Just as people are aware of ‘political islam’, we have in this country ‘political Lgbt’. Political Islam is any interpretation of Islam as a source of political identity and action. It can refer to a wide range of individuals and groups who advocate the transformation of state and society according to what they see as Islamic principles. This is what the Lgbt politicians are doing in Scotland pushing their agenda. Everyone knows about it, to speak about means being branded homophobic. Mhairi Black was quick to brand people ‘homophobic’ for complaining but we should look past that and look at the issue, Black was wrong and people; parents and others are calling for her resignation as an MP. The SNP is aware of the scope of this scandal as seen by the intervention of their chief spin-doctor and his ludicrous panto gaffe.  

Finally, if you feel you must feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for the kids, and feel sorry for Education Sec John Swinney, he is the heterosexual ‘front man’ for the SNP Lgbt project to corrupt and confuse the children of Scotland. I wonder if John Swinney allows tubs of Nutella and bananas in his house; the tools of teaching kids anal sex in schools.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Black made a monumental error by accusing parents of homophobia. Then she went strangely silent. Are the SNP blinkered? Wings has ripped right into them. Black is finished as the media will never let this one go. Unbelievably the SNP have gifted ammunition to their opponents. I have no issue with equality being taught to pupils, but by teachers. Not fucking third rate politicians. And jote how David Steele has resigned from the Lib Dems. Something he should have done years ago but at least he's done so. Ffs Salmond resigned from the SNP and he is innocent until proven guilty. I give Sturgeon 6 months then she's gone.

  2. Well, that's put me off Nutella for ever!

  3. I have always thought Maria black wasn’t a fit person to be amongst children I always thought that Swinney spent to much time in children’s company and have known McKay has spent lot of time with young boys which was never healthy..

  4. Two remarkably good posts in a row—you’re on a roll, George. Your passion on this subject is Two remarkably good posts in a row—you’re on a roll, George. Your passion on this subject is evident, and emotion in articles can sometimes be a very good thing; a calm, measured tone is often best but other times, anger, even rage, is far better.

    (I won’t bother with my usual essay-length comments as I never get any response, positive or negative, and it’s boring being the only participant in a debate.
    But a throwaway: coronavirus is getting serious: 323 cases in Italy as of time of posting and ‘Canadians are being warned to prepare for a possible pandemic’ (Ottawa Citizen).
    Anyone noticing any pushback or we still all singing the ‘Diversity Is Our Strength’ song?)

  5. Dear scorchedearth

    Glad you like the posts, usually I am trying to get a bit of studying done when I can, which eats up my time. Usually I am replying to more responses from the Facebook groups which I post on. Such as SNP out, Keep Britain United etc.

    Last post hit the 6000 views plus mark, one before that was 2777 views.


  6. Dear ScorchedEarth

    the virus is getting dangerous, and a lot of people are going to die, and a pandemic should be called by WHO.


  7. Manky Black or a Crossdresser, which one would you prefer.

  8. Mhari Black is not fit for purpose, she was even shown to be taking a substance from her finger in Parliament.

  9. Indeed. Dangerous times.

  10. The story is everywhere in the UK. She needs to be at least suspended, but that won't happen. Anyone heard from Sturgeon on this issue. Oh, and BTW, if anyone meets Black make sure to call her 'hen', since everyone in her constituency is going to.
