Monday, February 17, 2020

The Decline of Scotland and its Reputation; former SNP Minister Derek Mackay won't face charges after messaging 16-year-old schoolboy, has there ever been such a morally bankrupt party ruling our country, but the really pertinent question in the Mackay scandal, ‘what was Derek Mackay’s endgame for this young schoolboy?’

Dear All

Former SNP Minister Derek Mackay won't face charges after messaging 16-year-old schoolboy; it seems Police Scotland after consulting the Crown Office came to the conclusion that no laws were broken. In this entire affair, it seems that no one seemed to ask the pertinent question, ‘what was Derek Mackay’s endgame for this young schoolboy?’ In the world of sleazy SNP politics, it seems also that Mackay has gone the Natalie McGarry route seeking protection from the health service. Claims of illness don’t however wash with the public, unfortunately for Mackay; the public were able to ’examine’ Mackay through his many TV appearances. Unless you are a foaming mouth Nat, you wouldn’t say anything was wrong with this character.

Now that Mackay is out from under the Police investigation, can we expect a triumphant return to Holyrood? Mackay is out the door as a government minister but will he welcomed back into the fold? With the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon attempt to defend him, citing Mackay was only confused man. The fact is like Mark McDonald, another SNP reject, Mackay is damaged goods, in the closeted bubble of Holyrood; the private club doesn’t want him back. He can stay out of the way, he can hand in sick notes, he can work the system, but what he can’t do is return to the fold. The SNP is made up of four groups, lgbt, Muslim, Sein Fein lite and the rich, although the lgbt grouping dominates, they can’t escape the fact that Mackay back tars them.

In stepping back from pursuing Mackay, a source said:

“It was felt the trail of messages itself was ­inappropriate given the imbalance in power and the difference in age between the two parties. The messages were not highly ­sexualised and, in any case, the boy was 16 and of age. But consideration was given as to whether the messages could have caused fear and alarm or distress. Could there have been an aggravated breach of the peace or would some sort of sexual aggravation or grooming charge be justified? But all things considered, the consensus was that the threshold of criminality had not been reached.”

It is interesting how some politicians describe Mackay’s actions as grooming.

Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. So, again, I come back to the pertinent question, ‘what was Derek Mackay’s endgame for this young schoolboy?’

When you also look at the context of other stories now in the public domain regarding Mackay’s contact with others, perhaps more people need to be talking about this, was the plan a fairytale romance, marriage with Nicola Sturgeon playing a starring role?

Or are the bookies and the public thinking something more sinister?

These stories don’t lend weight to a happy ever after scenario for the schoolboy.

In the day that sees Mackay not being charged by the Police, the SNP have announced his replacement, Kate Forbes, the timing is not strange but rather it is to deflect attention away from Mackay. Mackay cannot be forced out as the pretendy parliament at Holyrood doesn’t have a mechanism to remove people like Mackay. And you have to wonder, why they don’t have such a mechanism? As in the case, of Mark McDonald, Mackay will probably be painted as the ‘rogue male’, someone who will be shunned at least by the main parties, but in the world of SNP lgbt politics, they might want to keep him.

Can it be business as normal for Derek Mackay?

No, the parliament doesn’t want him there because he draws attention to how morally bankrupt Holyrood is. The public don’t want him there because some will have already in their own minds formed an opinion regarding what they think Derek Mackay’s endgame was. Presumably Nicola Sturgeon who was very close to Mackay doesn’t want him there because her use of kids as indy props. I am still waiting for a coast is clear picture for the SNP to use kids as props with an SNP politician, so far nothing. Eventually, someone will have to be seen with a kid, given what has happened one would suspect probably their kids as the icebreaker for Sturgeon. The kid would probably have to be young, primary school age and female for that PR stunt, maybe done on ‘hallowed’ ground such as Holyrood.

Finally, will be seeing much more of SNP figures who get caught heading for medical assessments, the Nats are less creative in how they try to escape attention and/or justice. As Mackay head to the doctor’s surgery, I asked a question;

“Given the time delays before you get medical treatment in Scotland, can anyone explain why former SNP Minister Derek Mackay is getting help so quickly it seems in comparison with ordinary members of the public?”

One tweeter wrote to me that they waited 9 months for an appointment at urology department, Royal Alexandria Hospital Paisley.

The fight to get rid of Derek Mackay continues, chances are he will sail on collecting his salary and pension contributions right up to when Holyrood dissolves for the 2021 election. This episode with him is rather seedy and squalid, but we don’t live in the days of a better Scotland, and we don’t have the same calibre of politicians who know the meaning of the word honourable.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Sein Fein light is a perfect description. Did anyone else notice Cherry on QT last week mention Ireland when referring to NI? One audience member did and Cherry for once was silenced. Are the SNP going down the Corbyn path, cosyinf up to the likes of Russia and other unsavoury groups?

    1. It was great to see Cherry silenced for once. She got far too much air time last week.

  2. If Derek Mackay refuses to resign as a MSP then it will prove he has no moral integrity and is only interested in retaining his salary.If he has the audacity to return to the Scottish Parliament then every other member should leave the chamber to make it plainly known that a predatory groomer of school boys is not welcome among them .

  3. More possible court action on the way. The tragic death of a girl due to I infection has been referred to the proc fiscal. Makes you wonder just what the fuck is going on in Scotland. Keep going George. We need some sanity up here.

  4. SF lite. Great description. I worked with our new SNP MP Dave Doogan a few years ago. Republican Dave he was called. The word lite doesn’t describe his views. Another self serving tosser if you ask me.

  5. Well say no more, that blog is totally brilliant, its everything we chat about on line put into one great masterpiece ... Please send a copy to Boris, this crowd of disgusting, pathetic, low life, have badly damaged Scotland and the real Scottish people have had more than enough of their lies and hatred, We need to break up the SNP for good before they do any more damage. I feel better now as the UK parliament and across the country, can see now what this oddball pretend Party is all about...the break up of the UK when in 2014 the people voted to stay in the UK and they totally ignored that result, they should have been out then, no one protected the rights of the majority, now we have Boris in our corner and NO means NO. The Dictator Sturgeon and her cult deal with it. It is over...
