Monday, June 24, 2019

#GMB Insanity, the struggles of a young man on TV to educate TV presenters, this is pure gold

Dear All

Here is a gem of a video of a young man trying to explain something to TV presenters, I don't know about you but someone needs to sign him up for a political party.


1 comment:

  1. George,
    absolute peach of a takedown on the bigotry of the chattering classes. they have their thing, be it racism, LGBTQ+, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, whatever and it becomes the prism through which they view all of life. What they deem acceptable or unacceptable is graded through this mesh. If, like the lady in the clip, they have made a career from a particular -ism, then every statement made becomes a battle ground to prove some malign intent.
    I liked Constantine, but I think he was hanging out with the wrong crowd.
