Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Demoted in Stature; Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunts cuts off overseas support for Nicola Sturgeon, no more consular and logistical help from the British Embassy Network, sour grapes SNP whine as they construct a new grievance, truth is the system was abused and now it has been stopped, and about time too, everyone knows Nicola Sturgeon isn’t a ‘statesman’ and never will be!

Dear All

It should have happened a long long time ago but finally the UK Government has withdrawn support for all of Nicola Sturgeon’s overseas trips. The reason is due to the constant independence promotions aspect and therefore Sturgeon is being denied the First Minister consular and logistical help she and the SNP took for granted. Although Nicola Sturgeon will still go on her taxpayer funded jaunts, she now goes as just a ‘punter’.

The humiliation factor of being thrown back into the herd which no doubt sting as this measure effectively means she is now classed as not a ‘statesman’.

Statesmen get consular and logistical help!

The High priestess of the Govanhill ghetto will also see her future job prospects take a hit as she is effectively devalued in Geo political terms. In a muted and miserable response, a Sturgeon stooge said that Jeremy Hunt who withdrew support was helping to make the case for independence and Ms Sturgeon would not be gagged. You can feel the pain in his tone as he had to find a grievance reply. In an additional act of supreme pettiness, the SNP added it would be “naive to think” Mr Hunt’s comments had “nothing to do with the Tory leadership race”.

Laughingly the end gem was;

 "She's not going to take a vow of silence."

The term ‘attention whore’ seems to fit the activities of Nicola Sturgeon, I don’t know if you saw recently Sturgeon singing Caledonia in the scoop by the Daily Record but is looks so bad that it could be an X Factor reject selection.

This clip is so awkward, so painful to watch with someone who obviously doesn’t have any talent attempting to portray warmth and failing pretty miserably in the attempt. Sturgeon’s attempts to ‘fit in’ are a far cry from the polished set piece media PR stunts she is used too. What you see in this clip is the real Sturgeon without the prewritten actor’s lines.  

In a principled stance, Foreign Sec Jeremy Hunt said that support would be reinstated if Sturgeon stopped abusing the service and discussing her life-long madness of plunging Scotland into poverty and make it a sewer in Europe.

The Sturgeon spokesman said:

“Whatever happens it is not going to stop the First Minister of the Scottish Government representing Scotland internationally – that is part of the job and that part of the job will continue regardless. Let’s wait and see how real this actually is. Jeremy Hunt is in the middle of a leadership campaign against Boris Johnson so this would appear to relate to that.”

Whoever wins the race to Number 10, the withdrawal of consular and logistical help will continual, because as the SNP make clear, they think they are above the rules. One way that Sturgeon might attempt to claim the new rules don’t apply is if she does ‘private events ‘piggybacked on a legitimate event.

But let’s face it, the abuse will continue.

The UK Government ordinarily provides diplomatic and logistical support to the devolved governments on overseas trips through the British Embassy network. The assistance was integral to Sturgeon’s recent visits to North America and China. Nicola Sturgeon obviously sees herself as someone who thinks they have an entitlement to be on the world stage as a player, much like Alex Salmond did.

His career post FM has hardly been all glitter even with his RT spot.

In his recent programme he interview Wings of Bath, at what looked to be a swanky hotel, in contrast Nicola Sturgeon had the look of standing in a back court. Of course that back court was clear and tidy, that back court was in the clear part of her constituency, not the Govanhill war zone.

Finally, maybe I have found the perfect song for Nicola Sturgeon to sing.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Excellent as usual George. Another scandal waiting: in Glasgow appointments have been centralised and system is failing. Surgeons and specialists now have no control. Appointments are being cancelled without any reason, and you are lucky if you see the same specialist. Doctors are furious but can do little. I know this is true as I know someone who has been directly affected and could suffer permanent damage. The SNP are simply useless. We need a change.
