Thursday, May 7, 2015

Conservative Candidate Charlotte Leslie and her family targeted by vandals who damaged their cars and flood their garden with 1,300 litres of oil, Westminster 2015 will go down as one of the nastiness election in modern British history

Dear All

In politics, you happen to run across some people who are MPs for various reasons, in the main when attention is drawn to an MP, it is usually because they messing up in some way. Others make the news however for the right reasons, on twitter I happened to come across a Tory MP called Charlotte Leslie, I had heard of her before in passing as she was a Bristol MP.

On twitter, Ms. Leslie does a bit of tweeting and publishes links to stories which show how she is serving the community. In general from what I have seen, the people seem to be getting value for their money.

Her constituency is Bristol North West.

In this election in Scotland, things have turned really nasty and vicious, that said, it isn’t just a Scottish problem, in England, they have their problems. Charlotte Leslie has had her car vandalised and that of her 70 year old father, a former surgeon. Mr Leslie and his wife Jane are now worried about being at home alone. This is a terrible crime, not just Ms. Leslie but also her parents, Mr. Leslie during his time as a medic must have saved countless lives of people from all kinds of different backgrounds.

How many can say they have made a similar contribution to their community?

As well as vandalising the cars, yobs also drilled holes in outdoor fuel tank for central heating and flooded her garden with 1,300 litres of oil which was said to be about a years’ supply. Given they took the time to do this; they must have spent some considerable time watching her property. Obviously she and her parents have been specifically targeted. It is a rather odd situation because Charlotte Leslie isn’t a controversial MP like some other people who make the headlines.

Looking at the pictures of the damage, the Police are probably looking for someone who is right handed judging by the spray paint on the cars, tyres were slashed so obviously they carry a knife of some description. The holes in the central heating tank say to me power drill.

The person or persons who did this would have been noticeable if they were walking about the streets in the early hours of the morning carrying a can of spray paint, a knife and drill, so they probably may have used a bag to carry the items. Given the extent of the damage, whoever did this spent some considerable time on the property.    

All in, a pretty sad state of affairs for Charlotte Leslie, and her parents who are now scared to be in their own home. Hopefully the people who did this will be caught, as I said, I have read some stuff about Charlotte Leslie and the people of Bristol North West from what I see, have a good MP who is willing to pitch in and help.

Finally, the use of ‘media hungry’ sprayed on her father’s car is rather odd, suggests someone has been following her career and is rather jealous. Whoever this is, they represent a danger to the local community and should be caught.

Yours sincerely

George Laird

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. OUTRAGEOUS georgieboy

    They are VERMIN

