Thursday, May 7, 2015

East Kilbride SNP supporter Duncan McLean takes George Laird to task, “Mr Laird, isn't it high time you called a halt to your sordid dirty tricks campaign against the SNP?”, since when is telling the truth equate to running a “sordid dirty tricks campaign”, George Laird’s fame has reached East Kilbride SNP, where they sit about and talk about me, no autographs please, still a humble Glaswegian pottering about the place

Dear All

It seems that I have been taken to task, no problem with that issue, ‘it’s good to talk’.

That being said, SNP supporter Duncan McLean who got in contact with me in the comment section has been rather unfair in his utterings.

He has informed me in not so many words that he is ‘mentally superior’ and has an “elevated position within the SNP hierarchy”.

At this point, I should point out I have found no evidence of ‘mentally superior’ on his part.

As to what position, he holds within the SNP hierarchy, this should interest me how?

Here is my reply to him and I hope in future, he will exercise better judgment as he is currently showing very litte.

“Mr Laird,

Your ridiculous pretensions that the SNP are a Fascist or Nazi party are consummately objectionable, as is your feeble endeavour to belittle my own elevated position within the SNP hierarchy”.

Can you read?

Effectively scrapping the right to a fair trial, you may have noticed that the current dud of justice minister is doing a spot of backtrack on this issue; incidentally I said the SNP got that wrong. This will come back as the SNP are kicking into the long grass to get past the election in 2016.

As to be being ‘feeble’, over 1,000 people read my blog yesterday, the exact number 1,121 to be exact, doesn’t sound like feebleness to me.

I suppose I should ask the standard question, why do you want to ‘gag’ the citizen press?

Isn’t that fascism?

“Mr Laird, we all know you have form in this kind of stratagem”.

Who is ‘we’, seems to me that I am being talked about in the SNP, I already know I am, especially down at Glasgow City Council, the cult members sit around drinking coffee discussing my posts, so I am told.

Have you met Mhairi Hunter? What a dullard, Sturgeon crony with limited ability in my opinion.

“During last year’s referendum you accused Yes campaigners of threats and intimidation, without a shred of evidence to support your pathetic allegations”.

Presumably you missed out on ‘Wings Over Scotland’ discussing the filming of people and well as the rest of it? However, have a go at pointing out specifics in my posts and we can ‘discuss’ were you got it wrong.

I have two words also to say as a reply to this piece of outrageous made up smear on your behalf.

‘Court case’ (in the offing)!

“Have you no shame?”

Why should I have shame telling the truth?

Check this out:

Filming a woman is rather creepy is not?

Do you film women like Piers Doughty Brown?

I don’t know, I am just asking the question!

Next time, come better prepared if you want to make smears and throw wild allegations about the shop.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Well said George!! Seems these SNP lapdogs don't like reading the truth,, ohh hold on,, didn't Nicola Sturgeon ahhmmm, "tell the truth" the other day to millions of listeners on Radio 2's Jeremy Vine Show. Dont be daft!! of course she never, she lied, many people have commented on it. If telling it as it is upsets nats like Duncan McLean, then tough, get over it Mac.

  2. With his obvious superiority complex and over inflated ego, is it possible that his head has grown through his hair ?

  3. George, their fruit of the looms are being pulled really tight with that gagging order around all their necks. We have to try to administer some serious deprogramming.

  4. Since Mr McLean is in a higher position within the SNP, then can he please explain exactly why he hides behind a false name?

    I'm sure LInda Fabiani, who is a good MSP, would be keen to know why one of her close colleagues is behaving as such.

    Anyone who describes themselves as in an "elevated position", is both arrogant and patronising. He seems to forget that as a politician, he is there to represent everyone in his constituency area. His role is not to hide behind a pseudonym.

    I would like to hear his views on those people who do not vote for the SNP, and those who decided to vote "No" in the Referendum. This is a democracy after all.

    He can be rest assured, that as an official candidate, his opponents will be informed of his blog posts. Not so much the content but rather the nature of them.

    I should point out, that in interest of fairness, I am quite happy to report anyone of any party who is not behaving as one would expect of public office.

    BY all means feel free to debate publicly articles that George writes. But do so using your true identity.

    I write under an anonymous tag because I am not a politician, and I do not wish abuse directed towards me and my family, one of whom is fighting a serious illness.

  5. I fear the worse Georgie boy but hope for the best


  6. Unfortunately you couldn't make it up George but this dude appears to be a fully paid up member of the tin foil hat brigade.

  7. How can you be so cruel to a man who has no ears?

  8. George,

    The Winners of the night


    Conservatives and SNP are just his proxies.

    Separatists are already at it, from Hosie to the Butterfly revolution.

    What will Camerons first move be? Offer FFA with immediate effect?

    If SNP voters thinks they have seen austerity, wait to see what the SNP will do under FFA.

    SNP MP's need to be shown up for what they are before 2016 Holyrood election. best battleground to test them FFA.

  9. Mr Laird,
    I see it's to be business as usual, with prevarications, dissimulation and concocted attributions being the disposition of the day, for the entire duration of your tasteless insignificant "blog".
    Sadly this only goes to demonstrate your consummate inability to cut out the canker that you routinely impose upon the body politic.
    How this accommodates with your professed role as someone that expects to be taken seriously is beyond the laws of rational discernment.
    Perceptible forebodings of heightening impetuosity abound, as you simply fail to conceive that advocating "hate over fear" is unmitigatedly devoid of ethics and is consequently perfidious to the core.
    Do not underestimate me Mr Laird.
    “Thou hast seen nothing yet”
    The Don

  10. Dear Duncan

    “Mr Laird,
    I see it's to be business as usual, with prevarications, dissimulation and concocted attributions being the disposition of the day, for the entire duration of your tasteless insignificant "blog".”

    Why something happen?

    “Sadly this only goes to demonstrate your consummate inability to cut out the canker that you routinely impose upon the body politic.”

    You mean telling the truth?

    “How this accommodates with your professed role as someone that expects to be taken seriously is beyond the laws of rational discernment”.

    I don't take you seriously and managed to get that right.

    “Perceptible forebodings of heightening impetuosity abound, as you simply fail to conceive that advocating "hate over fear" is unmitigatedly devoid of ethics and is consequently perfidious to the core”.

    I was talking about Nationalists, not Unionists running that one, try to keep up.

    “Do not underestimate me Mr Laird.”

    You come from East Kilbride yokel, don't get ideas above your station.

    “Thou hast seen nothing yet”

    Oh, is that a threat?

    I am really scared, too scare to say:

    “piss off and get back under your rock”!

    Still blocking me on twitter, that surprised me because you have nothing worth reading.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
