Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tomorrow is the General Election, this blog, in this election supports tactical voting to shut the SNP out of as many seats as possible, if there was ever a time to put country first, this is certainly it, so have a think, a long hard think before you put an X on the ballot paper


  1. Here is hoping Thursday sees this bunch of Nazi bastards downfall, especially the fat man.

    Well done George, you have done all you can, nearly at the cost of your health and life, legend

    See you Friday


  2. Absolutely right George.

    Oh, and now we know who the Don is, I think the media and the SNP leadership need to be informed that an electoral candidate is posting comments, some of which could be construed as abusive, under a false identity.

    If he wishes to present an argument, he should do so under his real name.

    Or does he represent the full views of the SNP?

  3. Dear Anon

    “Oh, and now we know who the Don is, I think the media and the SNP leadership need to be informed that an electoral candidate is posting comments, some of which could be construed as abusive, under a false identity”.

    Well, I was going to report him to the SNP; he made statements which I wanted him to prove using my blog as source material. The fact he did a runner speaks volumes in my opinion, given he is a councillor, where was the leadership when he bolted for the door, so to speak?

    “If he wishes to present an argument, he should do so under his real name”.

    His fake name did link to his twitter account so wasn’t exactly hiding, no problem with that from me.

    “Or does he represent the full views of the SNP?”

    Who knows but he and the SNP have one thing in common, both don’t like the truth!


  4. All we can do is see how the wheel turns as the late Robert Jordan would say George.

  5. George,
    My hope is that the 400,000 conservative voters in Scotland (10% of the electorate)used their votes in the best interests of Scotland and the UK. The voter are generally spread pretty evenly across Scotland and so can probably make a big difference in every Labour or Lib Dem target constituencies.
    Fingers crossed
