Monday, March 16, 2015

Anti SNP election ad 2015, No to Tasmina Ahmed-Shiekh, Vote tactically in 2015


  1. Are you right in the head??? Pro Islam? I suppose you havent seen the videos of snipers picking off palistinian children??? go join the BNP ya fuckin walloper. can't believe your trying to tell people to vote Tory in Scotland after the last 30 years of what Thatcher started and Cameron is trying to finish..... you will be paying for your treatment when you go get your head read, go bury your head in a Daily Record

  2. There is also the links with fundamentalist Christian organisations. You only need to see where some of the money comes from, and the SNP conveniently ignore / dismiss some of their donors opposing their legislation.

    The SNP was, I would imagine, once a party with a purpose. Now that they have tasted power they are extremely dangerous.

    Some commentators criticise the Tories and Labour for their business donor links. But that has always been the case, no matter where in the world you go. Since most businesses will not bankroll the SNP, they are prepared to take the money from wherever and whoever they can.

    What really scares me is he arselicking towards Putin. Are they prepared to do some deal with him?

  3. " go join the BNP ya fuckin walloper " The BNP are a racist organisation which I do not support in any shape size or form. I condemn any such vile acts.

    This is a far greater cause than just voting SNP because you hate the Tory party. Can you not see that the EU is about to morph into some other form and so Scotland wouldn't be able to suckle on the EU cash cow teat if it was independent and it wouldn't have the Union to fall back on. Scotland would be out of the EU, out of the Union, out of oil and out of money. FFS, 1 million Islamic migrants are not going to pay the bills. The ONLY way to go is Labour or Tory. Take your pick. A vote for the SNP is a vote for destruction on a huge scale. The only way Scotland will ever be independent is if the SNP import support and that is why Eck has been engineering the Muslim solution for years. Here's the truth. Have an independent Scotland that resembles Tower Hamlets and penniless, or a strong financial Union with Ed or Dave in a reformed trade EU. You choose !

  4. I like this video, do more Geo, highlighting SNP as a backward looking cult

  5. The snp will swamp scotland with muslims,to get more voters for them and because they need more people if they ever go it alaone.the trouble with this is the muslims will see it as a chance to takeover in scotland so it become islamic forever.
