Thursday, September 19, 2013

Govan by-election special, although there is a by-election on the go at present, election leaflets should be put through people’s letter boxes, Scottish National Party 90 minute Nats, get exposed by Labour Councillor after dumping their leaflets in tenements!

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Dear All

90 minute Nationalists?

A 90 minute Nationalist is the type of person who doesn’t do activism but turns up when Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon appear to get their face known.

As a ‘fighter for Scottish independence’!

Then if they get a candidacy, they become more “passionate”.

When they lose they soon disappear mostly never to be seen again as an SNP activist.

The picture shows the problem, an SNP member decided not to climb the stairs of a tenement but rather just dumped the leaflet in a Govan close.

There is a by-election going on in Govan, it’s in Ward 5.

Littering is a problem in the Ward, the SNP appear to be helping address this by adding more rubbish for neighbours to sweep up.

Some considerable time ago I called for the SNP to set up a training hub; I mentioned this to Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

George Laird right again.

There are 14 candidates standing in the Govan by-election.

Charles Ballie Britannica
Ryan Boyle Communist Party of Britain
Jon Cormack Scottish Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship
Moira Crawford Scottish Green Party
Joyce Drummond Solidarity
John Flanagan No bedroom tax No Welfare Cuts
Ewan Hoyle Scottish Liberal Democrats
John Andrew Kane Scottish Labour Party
George Laird independent
Janice Mackay UKIP
Thomas Rannachan independent
Richard A Sullivan Scottish Conservative and Unionist
James Trolland Scottish Democratic Alliance
Helen Walker Scottish National Party

Littering is a criminal offence under the law, keep Govan tidy, use the letter box.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear George,
    I have been offline for a while but see you are still going strong.
    Apart from being anti-litter, what are your policies? And could you yourself not be described as a 90 minute Nat?

  2. Dear Hamish

    “I have been offline for a while but see you are still going strong”.

    I trust things are alright? I had forgotten all about you, been busy myself.

    “Apart from being anti-litter, what are your policies?”

    Are you considering voting for me?

    You voting George Laird, I have to laugh, c’mon, gie’s a break.

    Policies, moi?

    Do you need policies?


    Free Nelson Mandela

    All children to get fried chicken once a week

    Teach children to make paper aeroplanes and toss them off the High Flats

    “And could you yourself not be described as a 90 minute Nat?”

    No, Hamish, I couldn’t be, but I could point a few fingers at useless lazy bastards if that would make you feel comfortable.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

    Ps I am serious about the fried chicken, can I have your support, I think I could talk Nicola into it, she looks like she has been hammering a few bargain buckets!
