Saturday, September 21, 2013

Scottish independence: Alex Salmond and Yes campaigners rally in Edinburgh, only 8,000 people turn up, it’s another cringingly embarrassing flop for Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, still how do you organize 8,000 ugly people in the one place, indy rally!

Dear All


Well, it is Saturday, September 21, 2013, the big independence march in Edinburgh.

According to Police Scotland only 8,000 people turned up.

8,000 people, what a remarkable flop again.

The last time that a gathering was held 5,000 people came, you could argue that a 3,000 improvement is good.

However, Scotland has a population in the region of 5,000,000 million.
Thousands of pro-independence campaigners have marched through the streets of Edinburgh in support of their failing cause.

You could probably get a big crowd for Greggs the Bakers!

They do Steak Bakes which are out of this world, and the bridies used to be superb.

But the changed the recipe.

The March for a better tomorrow for rich people started on the High Street and ended with a rally on the city's Calton Hill.


But hardly 500 miles; would I walk five hundred miles?

Not for Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon’s poisonous vision.

The main Rally for Scottish Independence is the second of three “large” marches to held in the run up to next year's referendum.

This begs the question, when is the first "large" rally going to take place?

The handful of punters wandering about the place hardly represents momentum.

Police Scotland; who is independent estimated the numbers at more around the 8,000 mark.

Yes Organisers said between 20,000 and 30,000 were involved in the events.

The SNP and their front Yes Scotland are keen to sell that a range of groups are taking apart in their campaign.

As to this little stroll around Edinburgh, they say that political parties to organisations such as Farming for YES and Football Supporters for Independence were out in force.

Less we forget, SNP members front many of these organizations, it was a stupid idea, and to be blunt, bullshit.

In trying to create an atmosphere, many of the punters, assembled waved flags or held banners in support of their cause.


Speakers at the rally include Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, along with the usual suspects, Elaine C Smith, independent MSP Margo MacDonald, Scottish Green Party co-convener Patrick Harvie and Yes Scotland chief executive Blair Jenkins.

Mr Jenkins said:

"The biggest prize from a Yes next year is not that we will never again have Tory governments we didn't vote for - important though that is for the well-being of our society. Instead it is having the ability to make Scotland's great wealth, talent and resources work better for the people who live here."

So, not Scotland for the Scots, I wonder if the working class doing the grunt work realise that they aren’t campaigning for a better Scotland for them?

Patently not, it’s for rich people stupid!

And more fool them for doing so, I was conned myself, so I am not too hard on those who still believe in something that doesn’t exist, fairness, equality and social justice in the Scottish National Party under Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

Jenkins added:

“When we take time to examine the facts people from all walks of Scottish life - pensioners, parents, students, business-people, women, seniors, people across society - see that a Yes vote makes sense for us as a nation and for us as individuals."

Jenkins should be sacked, I have always held that opinion, he doesn’t impress me, or the public, the polls say No!

In his speech, Jenkins made an impassioned plea to campaigners to go out into communities with ever more vigour and optimism over the next 12 months.

There is hardly anyone wanting to work for the Scottish National Party, and given the way they treat others, I am not surprised.

As to the Yes people going out to communities, that is just the SNP.

The SNP rebranded their branches as Yes whoever, but it is still the SNP.

8,000 people, not doing a terribly good job Alex Salmond, you get more people at a single football game than at an indy march.

Patently Scots aren’t buying, there are many reasons, unfortunately it seems that Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon don’t understand the problems.

As to the march hardly Catalonia standards is it?

Finally, is it just me or is Nicola Sturgeon looking fat these days?  

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Let he who is without fat shed the first stone. Go on, George, post a recent photograph of yourself.
    I'm guessing that the erstwhile fitness instructor has put on a few pounds sitting in front of a computer screen all day.
    Most of us have.

  2. Allegedly 8000 march, but :between 20000 and 30000 participated. How many turned up to the better together get together on Wednesday. ..?

  3. There were more than 8,000 people there. Stop getting all your shit from the BBC.

    Source: I was there.

  4. Class 2b writes again...presume this is a joke piece..badly written by some chump with a chip on his shoulder...don't give up the day job!

  5. With so much confidence in the vote in 2014 I guess Unionists have no need to organise their own 'No' march, and even if they did where could they hold is as so many of the quoted 5000,000 million population would be sure to attend (well maybe not the 8000 yes folk)
