Thursday, March 10, 2011

Human rights abusing Glasgow University find out violence and intimidation don’t work against George Laird, 2/3 of entire Uni media dept visit website

Dear All

I am shocked and I am a Glaswegian!

Things at the human rights abusing Glasgow University seem to be going from bad to worse!

A Staff member of the publicity department typed into google “mucatelli cunt”.

You will have immediately noticed that they have spelt the name of the corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli wrong.

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This reminds of the famous letter by Sir Archibald Clerk Kerr H.M. Ambassador, Moscow.

Of which this is the text:

My Dear Reggie,

In these dark days man tends to look for little shafts of light from Heaven. My days are probably darker than yours, and I need, my God I do, all the light I can get. But I am a decent fellow, and I do not want to be mean about what little brightness is shed upon me from time to time. So I propose to share with you a tiny flash that has illuminated my sombre life, and tell you that God has given me a new Turkish colleague whose card tells me he is called Mustapha Kunt.

We all feel like that, Reggie, now and then, especially when Spring is upon upon us, but few of us would care to put it on our cards. It takes a Turk to do that.

Sir Archibald Clerk Kerr
H.M. Ambassador, Moscow

This sorry episode further shows how far the Glasgow University has fallen under the leadership of corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli who was involved in covering up institutional bullying, discrimination, harassment, malpractice and criminal fraud.

On the other side of the publicity department office!

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Maybe they have watched too much Star Trek as they are using to try and cover their tracks visiting the world famous Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University Website.

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It seems that they are very interested in George Laird and are trying to do so in a covert way, unfortunately, they never covered their tracks properly.

One in the publicity department can’t spell and now another one can’t cover their tracks properly.

Looks like serial incompetence to me!

A third member of the publicity department turned up.

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They wanted to read this article:

These people are rather sad and pathetic.

And when Muscatelli finds out that someone is typing “mucatelli cunt” from his own ‘Soviet’ propaganda department, he will know his ‘Storm troopers’ don’t believe in the final victory any more.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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