Saturday, March 19, 2011

Glasgow University product Gerry McCann goes to Portugal’s Supreme Court to ask for an “exceptional review” on Appeal Court decision, case refused!

Dear All

The McCanns’ are back in the news again, this time to attempt to get the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice to nullify a decision by their Appeals Court.

The Appeal Court allowed for the book by Gonçalo Amaral, ‘The Truth of the Lie’, to be distributed.

The Judges at the Supreme Court have refused the request.This is good news for former Polícia Judiciária inspector Gonçalo Amaral will again be able to sell his book about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

‘The Truth of the Lie’, which was taken off shelves after the McCann’s filed an injunction.

The McCanns’ not only wanted the book stopped from being disturbed but also wanted to financially break Gonçalo Amaral.

I previously blogged on the case as being totally without merit!

It seems that Glasgow University product Gerry McCann doesn’t quite get it that Gonçalo Amaral’s right to freedom of speech is important.

At the time of the injunction, I wrote on 10th February 2010:

‘So, in weighing the issues the Portuguese Judge has to make a decision does the McCann’s right to privacy supersede Goncalo Amaral's right to freedom of speech? I believe that the answer to this fundamental question is no. The McCann’s claims are unsubstantiated subjective opinion and therefore on that basis their case is without merit. Subsequently their claim for damages of 1.2m euros (£1.08m) is also without merit. The temporary injunction should therefore be lifted by the Judge and the case should be found in favour of Goncalo Amaral’.

Since then nothing done Team McCann has caused me to change my mind.

Team McCann are burning money needlessly as the Supreme Court judges refused the request for an “exceptional review” of the Appeals Court’s decision.

The answer is no and always will be now, patently Team McCann don’t understand human rights. However, the counsellors’ decision may be appealed to the Constitutional Court, but they will not be able to help them, which will mean that Kate and Gerry McCann will have to return every copy of Amaral’s book that they possess. If they do not comply, they may even incur in a crime of disobedience.

Glasgow University product Gerry McCann has lost again.

It’s another good day for justice and the rule of law.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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