Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson embarks on a ‘night of the long butter knives’ at Glasgow Labour Council of shame, some Labour Councillors lose £10k

Dear All

It seems that Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson has been forced on to the back foot by the Glasgow SNP Campaign to expose greed.

One of the things which I have been calling for is the Aleos set up by Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell to be scrapped.

There is now a review which will see several of the local authority-owned arm’s-length organisations (Aleos) being scrapped.

George Laird, right again?

Seems so!

As well as this rearguard action, ‘free dinners’ Matheson has embarked on the ‘night of the long butter knives’.

Councillor salaries in Glasgow will be slashed by about £200,000 in order to try and convince the public that the culture of cronyism is over.

It’s not, this move is window dressing.

There is no evidence of an independent public inquiry into how jobs and contracts are awarded by the Labour Council of shame to Labour Party members, relatives, associates and Labour donors.

So, who is kidding who?

In another piece of theatre, ‘free dinners’ has announced under his administration that there will be five fewer posts in his executive with four deputy posts also going.

High profile casualties are Labour Councillor of shame Gerry Leonard who is axed from City Building and moved to the Clyde Regeneration Agency.

£20,000 to £10,000 and that post will probably go.

Gilbert Davidson, chairman of the licensing committee has been demoted, last week ‘bumgate’ showed him to be a liability.

‘Bumgate’ was covered in this post;

Ruth Simpson, a deputy leadership candidate, loses a £10,000-a-year Aleo job.

Euan McLeod, a close friend of Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell, is axed from the executive.

Hanzala Malik’s international affairs job is also for the chop.

So, we have a nucleus of a ‘gang of five’ who can start plotting, big pay packets and jollies have been lost.

I expect the new regime to see infighting.

The winners of the piece are;

Jean McFadden becomes the new head of education at Glasgow City Council.

Liz Cameron, chair of Culture and Sport Glasgow, is to become executive member for development and regeneration despite her jollies aboard racking up £14,000 of taxpayer cash.

Matt Kerr, Labour Councillor of shame for Craigton takes charge of social work, no, no, no.

Paul Rooney gets the personnel brief but no announcement of cronyism investigation.

George Ryan is responsible for service reform, uninspiring, this guy at the Westminster General Election left a woman who got knocked down and hit her head on railings lying in the street.

He was too busy handing out leaflets at Eastbank Academy in the Glasgow East constituency.

Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson said;

“The new team will be working flat out to provide high-quality public services for the people of Glasgow despite the most challenging financial climate local government has faced for a generation.”

And he should know, it was the Labour Party which destroyed the economy!

An SNP source has allegedly described Matheson’s line-up as weak and the fact he is bring back former leaders doesn’t signal a new dawn in my opinion.

All Aleos must be returned to back the Council, along with their staff who have been treated shabbily by the Glasgow Labour Party.

Cordia is a particular disgrace.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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