Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tory MSP Bill Aitken to quit Scottish parliament at next election, the vast majority of Scotland doesn't care, customary gong from Queen probable

Dear All

Conservative MSP Bill Aitken is to stand down at the Scottish Parliament elections next year.

Hooray and he won’t be missed.

Aitken represents the worst type of Tory which was touched on briefly by Dr Kate Pickering during her Newsnight Scotland interview.

The Tory Party of Scotland is still seen as nasty venomous pool of pus festering in the Scottish psyche.

Aitken was first elected to Glasgow City Council in 1976 as a Tory Councillor before finding himself elevated to Holyrood.

If you were to say anything about him it is the steadfast Tory dogma on crime;

‘Hang em high’.

Not the greatest of thinkers, his stint as the convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee never produced anything of note that made a real impact to change the lives of Scottish people.

He is as my friend would say ‘a man of his time’ and soon his time will run out.

I would suspect that given his length of service, he will find himself on the Queen honours list after he steps down.

Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie said;

“Bill is a great personal friend, a standard bearer for the party and an outstanding champion for the people of the city he loves, Glasgow.”


When was he an outstanding champion for the people of Glasgow?

I don’t recall anything he has done which changed the lives of anyone.

He is one of the reasons why Tories are so intensely disliked by Scottish people.

That is his legacy.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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