Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ed Balls and John McDonnell join Milibands in race for Labour leadership, even Andy Burnham set to declare, contest of the damned

Dear All

Labour MP Ed Balls is standing for the leadership of the Labour Party.

You have to ask yourself why someone so universally despised even in his own party thinks the voters would want him.

He says he wanted to "hear what the public say" and said he recognised there were concerns on immigration and tuition fees.

The question I would ask is that these concerns aren’t new so why didn’t he champion the rights of ordinary people before?

I have an answer, ministerial salary and perks.

Balls said the forthcoming contest is not about "Blair versus Brown" or "old Labour versus new Labour".

Well isn’t about social justice and fairness despite what the Milibands are pimping themselves to the masses about.

Ball’s pitch for the salary of opposition leader;

"We've got to listen first, hear what the public say, that's going to be at the centrepiece of my campaign."

If you take the Ball’s decision to override a Commons Select Committee to appoint Maggie Atkinson as the next children's commissioner for England, you would come to the conclusion that pitch can be taken with a pinch of salt.

So far, the Labour Party isn’t interested in widening the contest, so it is a choice of whom from the Gordon Brown Cabinet does the Labour Party hate the least.

Labour MP John McDonnell describes the contest aptly;

"the sons of Blair versus the son of Gordon Brown".

He added;

"All of the other candidates so far are all from the New Labour stable. They are all implicated in the policies that basically lost us the last election”.

Why anyone would want to vote for Ed Balls is a mystery to me, you look at him and straightaway you know he is a little shit.

Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper, the husband and wife Cabinet ministers, “flipped” the designation of their second home to three different properties within the space of two years.

Tells you everything you need to know.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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