Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy is starting to look like a 'Norwegian Blue' as David Cameron supports Richard 'goofy' Cook for East Renfrewshire

Dear All

Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy is very looking like a ‘Norwegian blue’.

He is as dead as a parrot.

But expect plenty of squawking from him on the election platform if Tory Candidate Richard ‘goofy’ Cook takes the East Renfrewshire seat off him tomorrow.

And it looks possible.

David Cameron has taken his fight to Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy’s seat of East Renfrewshire, one of 11 Tory targets in Scotland.

One the one hand, I want to see ‘Smug’ Murphy slotted but on the other I don’t ‘goofy’ getting in with talk of Tory revival in Scotland.

Is the lesser evil Jim Murphy?

Reports say he is a good constituency MP.

Cameron is in Scotland to declare his support for the Union “head, heart and soul”.

Flogging a horse here if he thinks Scottish people are interested in him or his opinion.

‘Supermarket’ Dave will always be ‘Supermarket’ Dave to Scots, the son of Thatcher isn’t a vision of hope just a sign post pointing to the past.

Scotland is to experience special Cameron cuts.

Also visiting the City of Glasgow is Nick Clegg campaigning in into hardcore Labour territory in Glasgow North.

SNP Candidate Patrick Grady is fighting for that seat and he is a hard campaigner.

So, in the last dying moments before the polls open, the campaign is all about fear.

But the fear if you step back and look dispassionately isn’t between people, it is between politicians.

That is why the Labour Party is negatively campaigning, they have nothing to offer.

They have no vision and no future which people want.

Cuts, Cuts, Cuts are the English agenda for Scotland!

In respond to Labour lies, Cameron said in a plea to older people not to accept Labour claims that a Tory government would cut benefits such as pension credits and free bus passes.

The Labour Party made the same claim about bus passes against the SNP.

Cameron said;

“All these things are safe. You can read my lips: that is a promise from my heart.”

On reflection I think it is in the interests of Scotland that Labour Candidate Jim Murphy loses the seat of East Renfrewshire.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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