Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Minister Alex Salmond hits Glasgow East speaking to a packed audience in The Bridge, the re-election of John Mason is important for Glasgow

Dear All

Meeting the public is a risky business.

Just ask Gordon Brown and David Cameron.

However to win the argument and hearts and minds, you have to stand face to face and toe to toe with people.

That means hearing the good and the bad.

Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond was in Glasgow East last night playing to a pack audience in The Bridge in Easterhouse.

Elaine C Smith hosted what was a pretty lively evening of question and answers with the audience being allowed to respond to his answers.

Scheduled for 90 minutes like the English leaders debates, the event ran into injury time for an extra 30 minutes.

Also attending the event was SNP Candidate John Mason for Glasgow East who gave a short speech of welcome.

The event started and the questions came thick and fast.

Hung Parliament, jobs and money were the main topics covered discussed, as well other issues which surface in the public domain like Afghanistan, Iraq and ID Cards.

Afterwards both Elaine C Smith and Alex Salmond took the time to have their photos taken with various people.

It was a good evening in which Alex Salmond delivered a solid performance rattling out facts, figures and anecdotes with ease.

The audience got their say in stark contrast to the TV Leaders’ Debates where the audience was not allowed to laugh or clap or interact in any way.

The SNP are getting my vote tomorrow, May 6th, I would urge people to follow suit, not because I am asking but because of the SNP record in government and of those who are standing.

SNP Candidate John Mason, first to open a public office in Glasgow East in 30 years.

SNP Candidate Billy McAllister, who cleared out a community centre of gangsters.

SNP Candidate Chris Stephens, trade unionist which a record of taking people's cases and winning.

SNP Candidate Malcolm Fleming who works in an aid agency assisting people in need.

SNP Candiate Patrick Grady, who works tirelessly to other people elected.

We need people like these to stand up for us at Westminster, so our voice is heard.

I would single out John Mason for special praise.

People like John Mason work hard for his community, I say his community because unlike most Labour Candidates standing for election, he actually lives there among the people he serves.

Not in a big house, in a flat in a tenement.

He is worthy of re-election.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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