Wednesday, May 5, 2010

'East Coast Weasel' Iain Gray goes on radio to try and win over voters but turns off even 30 year Labour members and supporters, Labour vote collapses

Dear All

The ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray is not good at speaking to the public.

It is no use pretending he is, he is walking car crash tv in action.

Move him from one spot to another, let him speak and it’s a disaster.

It is a weird experience like looking at an indy film.

The Labour Party support is collapsing but just to help it Iain Gray’s appearance on BBC Radio Scotland’s Call Kaye programme is helping it along further.

Even Labour members doubt Labour’s commitments and previous supporters said they didn’t know what they would vote tomorrow.

SNP campaign co-ordinator Stewart Hosie said it was another clear example of how the disastrous Labour campaign south of the border had spread north.

To put Iain Gray under pressure is simple, just ask him a question.

In a highly embarrassing admission he had to admit that it was the strength of the (SNP funded) public sector in Scotland which had helped Scotland come out of recession.

It gets better; he went to admit Labour had made a raft of mistakes in office.

Stewart Hosie said;

"Labour’s is not only losing the support of their own candidates but today’s Radio programme highlighted how even Labour members, as well as longterm supporters, are having serious doubts about voting Labour".

“We now have Labour members as well as voters seeing that Labour cannot win this election. They know that the SNP is best placed to defend Scotland if England votes Tory again. Voters are responding positively to our call to elect local and national champions so we can protect jobs and vital public services. They are appalled by Tory plans to steal Scotland's money by ripping up the funding deal between our nations without the consent of the Scottish Government or Scottish people”.

He added;

"The Tories, if they become the government, have told us they will use every Labour and LibDem vote in Scotland to justify their right to impose this cut. Scotland needs SNP champions more than ever after this election and it is only the SNP which can defend Scotland from the Tories – and even Labour members are beginning to realize that."Here are some of the genuine comments from Iain Gray’s appearance on the BBC Scotland show;

Jack in Glasgow said;

"I'm a Labour party member and supporter. Have been for 30 years. I'm actually quite ashamed of the attack the Labour party is doing on the sick and unemployed."

Jimmy in Lennoxtown;

"I'm 73 years old and I've voted Labour all my life, since I was able to vote. Except once in the early 1980's when I voted Margaret Thatcher into power, much to my regret...I haven't got a clue who I am going to vote for you know. And I've voted Labour all life. I haven't a clue who I'm going to vote for this time..."

...I phoned Rosemary McKenna's office in Cumbernauld in November about a local issue - an important local issue as far as villagers are concerned and I was told they would be back in touch, and I’m still waiting for that call. So if that's the way they are going to treat their voters why the hell should we give them our vote?"

Bill in Blackburn said;

"I would just like to pass comment and ask Iain Gray if he would reconsider the comment he made to the chap from Glasgow who works for the cleansing department. That he was certainly talking to him and not listening to him. That is the biggest problem with the Labour party at the moment...".

..I'm a lifelong supporter of the Labour party and this attitude is coming more and more to the fore. That is the reason the Labour party is in the state it is in. It has stopped listening to the people that are their core support...They're treating the electorate of Scotland and the electorate of the UK with contempt..."

...We are faced with a scenario in Scotland and the Scottish Parliament where the Labour party are still in a tantrum about the fact they lost power...and now we've got the scenario where everything that happens, it doesn't matter whether it’s a dog crossing a road and causing a traffic accident, it's the fault of the SNP Government..."

...I'll be perfectly honest with you Kaye, and for the first time in my life I'm undecided as to how I am going to vote. And I still haven’t decided. And certainly to hear leading Labour politicians in Scotland making comments like that to a working chap in Glasgow. It certainly doesn't bode well for my intentions in the future."
So, the choice is straightforward, you have seen the SNP Government take action to protect jobs and services.

The record is available to read at any time.

Every SNP member elected tomorrow is tasked with a simple job at Westminster.

Protect Scotland and its people.

We need local champions more than ever to stand up for their communities.

We need SNP MPs.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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