Saturday, May 22, 2010

The ‘Right hand of Gord’ has spoken, Iraq war was a “mistake” and “wrong”, Ed Balls insults British people’s intelligence, opportunism at its worst

Dear All

The ‘Right hand of Gord’ has spoken!

Brown’s Balls, one of the Candidates for the leadership of the Labour Party has criticised the decision to invade Iraq.

The former children's secretary has said the war was a "mistake" and was "wrong".

So, one thing which strikes you about this odd statement is the timing of it, Balls has seen the light?

This "road to Damascus conversion” is meaningless and way too late, people are dead, men women and children butchered.

And the best that Brown’s Balls can come up with is it was a “mistake”.

So, what about putting forward a policy of withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan to save British lives?

No, that part of the “road to Damascus” isn’t even being travelled, not even on a day out!

Balls’ statement is nothing sheer opportunism because of the leadership election and will be seen as such.

Who is this directed towards, the left of the party, are these people so stupid to buy into this crap?

I would suspect they are in some measure.

Balls in an interview with The Daily Telegraph said;

"We shouldn't have changed our argument from international law to regime change in a non-transparent way. It was an error for which we as a country paid a heavy price, and for which many people paid with their lives."

He later told the BBC;

"There wasn't the evidence to justify going to war and, in retrospect, we shouldn't have done it and I think it's very important that we say that."

This so disingenuous to the soldiers and families of the illegal wars to use an election to spin this, these converts had their mouths firmly shut and that is the reality, they went along to get along.

Anti War Campaigner Rose Gentile from Pollok, Glasgow said;

"It's an insult to the families just now."

The Labour leadership contest is shaping up as expected, pure squalid.

The ‘Right hand of Gord’ has made a fool of himself because no one of any intelligence would buy this crap.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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