Saturday, May 22, 2010

English John retires to be replaced by English Pete as head of the ‘Scottish’ Civil Service, Scotland still ruled by proxy from England

Dear All

Scotland’s top civil servant has resigned a day after he was heavily criticised by a Scottish Parliament committee for the second time.

So, having ‘retired’, you may expect to see Sir John Elvidge reappear at some time in future as the former chief civil servant, the scotch pervert Sir Muir Russell did.

Russell ‘retired’ and walked straight into a job as Principal of the human rights abusing University of Guantanamo Bay Glasgow.

Currently Muir Russell is the chair of the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland.

A man who was involved in covering up criminal fraud in a charity gets to appoint judges.

You can read about his activities here.

Having spent seven years in the post Elvidge is claiming he is going so his replacement could take charge before next year’s Holyrood elections.

This seems a weak answer, perhaps he sees no future if the Labour Party wins the majority of seats.

Last year he was criticised by Holyrood’s Public Audit Committee whose convener Labour MSP Hugh Henry had accused him of delivering a “huge amount of bulls**t” over evidence on the resignation of Transport Scotland’s chief executive Dr Malcolm Reed.

Reed’s severance pay-off was doubled to more than £61,000, but the committee found no robust reason for the increase.

So, being a ‘good’ team player, I expect Elvidge to return somewhere to top up his pension in some quango or other.

That is the way it works in corrupt Britain.

Elvidge’s replacement is Peter Housden, currently permanent secretary to the Department of Communities and Local Government at Westminster.

So, English John is replaced by English Peter, the appointment highlights why Scotland needs to be independent.

Scotland is controlled by England through proxy.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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