Friday, May 21, 2010

Precious and Florence Mhango need your help to stay in Scotland, 27th May they go to the High Court in London, write to David Cameron

Dear All

It’s Friday, the weekend approaches and everyone goes mental.

But before you all troop out the door, I would ask you to do the right thing.

I have blogged on the case of Precious and Florence Mhango, they have a hearing in the High Court in London on the 27th May; they need your help and support.

Today, I sent this email below to Prime Minister David Cameron who will hopefully do the right and allow them leave to remain.

Precious and her mum need more help than I can give, they need everyone.

So, please drop him and Theresa May a line seeking their support.

Here is my email

Dear Mr. Cameron

Firstly, I would to apologise for sending this to your email address, the Number 10 contact email wouldn’t allow me to fit this entire message on it.

I am writing to you concerning the case of Precious and Florence Mhango.

They are a mother and child from Malawi who have been in this country claiming asylum.

I believe there are strong moral, legal and compassionate grounds for granting them leave to remain in this country.

You and your party have been talking about fairness through-out the General Election but as we both know fairness hasn’t been high on the Labour agenda.

Precious Mhango has lived in this country in Scotland since she was three years old.

She knows nowhere else, it would be a despicable act to deport her and her mother who has been adopted by the local community of Cranhill, Glasgow.

I like to think we are better than that.

On the legal argument, if Precious is sent back, she is danger of being removed from her mother by her husband’s family and possibly subjected to female circumcision.

The Human Rights Act is designed to help little girls such as Precious but like any law, it is useless unless you can access it.

There is also a compassionate argument, so much has been done in Scotland by ordinary people who have stepped up to the plate to help.

You said that you had a vision of ‘big society’, this is an example.

Britain is broken, recently we have seen a court decision to grant a terrorist the right to remain but we are in the process of kicking out two people, a mother and daughter who are decent and deserve their chance and our protection.

So, I am asking you to please have a word with Theresa May and stop the legal proceedings against them taking place.

The date of their hearing Thursday 27th May in the High Court in London.

In a court of law, sometimes justice isn’t always done.

This would be more than a gesture to the people of Scotland.


So, I say to you who read my blog, Britain is corrupt but we can chose not to be.

Helping others in need isn’t a crime, it’s a duty.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
**update here is a auto reply**
Thank you for your e-mail. Now that David Cameron is the Prime Minister, this e-mail address has been suspended. If you would like to contact the Prime Minister, please do so by following the guidance on the Number 10 website:

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