Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nicola Sturgeon politically bitch slaps Labour MSP Jackie Baillie down hard for scaremongering about health jobs in Scotland, jobs are safe

Dear All

Just when we all thought electioneering was done with a wee while, the Holyrood campaign has started.

The ballot boxes will not be open till 2011.

Scottish Press and the Labour Party have fired the starting gun.

The first round out of the chamber is aimed at health, the flagship of the SNP Government administration.

Having spent the past three years trying to smear Nicola Sturgeon, the Labour Party is keen to continue.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde announced proposals to shed 1,252 jobs in the next 18 months.

Labour has started spreading fear and alarm claiming that the redesign of health services to meet future needs means people being forced out of their jobs.

This is untrue.

Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon has offered a guarantee that no NHS employee will face compulsory redundancy amid pressure on budgets.

That is a guarantee which you can trust.

In quickly political bitch slapping Labour MSP Jackie Baillie down, she is reassuring the NHS staff that the future of the NHS Scotland is safe.

Nicola Sturgeon said she was currently scrutinising workforce projections, with quality of frontline care the "guiding principle".

She rounded on the Labour Party scaremongering as "irresponsible".

Nicola Sturgeon made this promise;

"The NHS has a policy of no compulsory redundancies and that will continue to be the case."

It seems that Jackie Baillie should go back to sleep as she is just useless as Labour health spokeswoman.

Baillie as usual is swinging after the bell; she will have to be a lot quicker if she wants a shot at the title.

Trash talk doesn’t cut the mustard.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Jackie Baillie responsible for health - who said the Labour party have no sense of humour.

  2. dont go name calling nicola sturgeon should be ashamed for
    writing to a judge asking for
    to let one of her pals off from
    a sentance he only stole money
    claiming for things he was not
    entitled to get he eventuly got
    two years sentance thank god
    corupt rat

  3. Kermit's hlaf brotherMay 28, 2010 at 9:09 PM

    jim is right, the guy was a dirtbag and shouldn't have got help. He was guilty and had form. They say she only done to get the asian vote in Pollokshields. Cunt should have got five year in the nick. I wouldn't be voting SNP in future.
