Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ex-Labour MP Jim Devine sued for defamation, unhappy ex employee Marion Kinley isn't finished with him yet by a long chalk

Dear All

Bad news is like buses, you wait all year and then troubles come all at once.

Jim Devine is a former Labour MP charged with fiddling his expenses.

Now on top of his tale of woe, he is being sued for defamation by an ex-employee.

At a star chamber of the Labour Party tasked with purging the party of bad publicity, Devine was barred from standing as a Labour candidate during the election.

The summons has been issued by lawyers representing Marion Kinley.

She was a one-time office manager has accused Devine of attacking her character.

Looks like Jim Devine will be applying for more public money, this time from the Scottish Legal Aid Board.

The dispute between Devine and Kinley is another episode in a long running feud.

They had already been in dispute over mileage costs incurred by Kinley, which she claims were not repaid by Devine.

Then of course there is their employment tribunal over alleged constructive dismissal and breach of contract, a case that has been indefinitely postponed.

Apparently Devine cited ill health, funny, he was okay to fight an election but too ill to attend hearings!

If the defamation case goes ahead then Devine might be able to go to court.

His trial in London could see him bang up in prison, authorities wouldn’t sympathise with his plight for release to fight it.

The moral of this story is always be nice to people on the way up, you might need their understanding on the way down.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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