Monday, May 17, 2010

‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray targets Lib Dems to vote for the far right Labour Party at Holyrood elections, he must think they are soft in the head

Dear All

The ‘East Coast weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray has a cunning plan.

He wants to target up to 100,000 Liberal Democrat voters and ask them to support the far right New Labour project.

That rather defeats the point of being liberal.

Gray is taking pen in hand and writing to people in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Fife and the Highlands.

It seems that the Labour Party doesn’t consider the West Coast worth bothering about as the fiefdoms here seem pretty well sown up.

The move by Gray is a waste of paper and stamps as Liberals will sit and develop a wait and see policy of what the Con/Lib Dem coalition produces in policy terms.

The Liberals and Tories aren’t naturally bedfellows and people such as Charles Kennedy and Vince Cable have vocalised.

In his oily letter Gray writes;

“People feel angry, betrayed and, in some cases, bewildered. As a minister in a previous Scottish Government, I worked with Liberal Democrat coalition colleagues, and found it a rewarding experience. But now they have thrown their lot in with David Cameron.”

When you see the limited talent in the Labour Party, of course Gray found it a rewarding experience; chances are someone like him with no imagination saw this as a positive boon.

But we shouldn’t forget that although Gray was a minister, he was forgettable and to be truthful I can’t remember what position the ‘East Coast Weasel’ held.

Gray added;

“You may never have voted Labour before – and you may not have made up your mind about how you will vote in the Scottish Parliament elections next year. But last Thursday, over one million Scots put their trust in Labour.”

And four million didn’t!

Let us not forget that, four million could be bothered or put their vote elsewhere.

The choice next year is do you want Alex Salmond to lead Scotland or Iain Gray?

I suspect people look at Alex Salmond and the SNP Government who has already a proven track record since 2007 and back it again.

Just recently Alex Salmond won £180 million for Scotland by getting the Fossil Fuel Levy money returned.

That money was denied to the people of Scotland by the British Labour Party.

So, why should anyone in their right mind vote for Iain Gray and the Labour Party?

If people votes are going anywhere there is a strong case for them switching to the SNP as their policies are more in line with Liberal aspirations.

Yet again, The ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray misjudges the mood of the Scottish people, they don’t want Holyrood run as a ‘big council’; they want it run as a government.

And that is what the SNP are doing.

Yours sincerely

George Laird

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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