Monday, May 17, 2010

Human Rights abusing Glasgow University to shed circa 123 jobs as corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli coins in the cash, he isn't going short of money

Dear All

People aren’t happy at the Human Rights abusing Glasgow University as the senior management embarks on job cuts.

Students are going to stage a demonstration this week opposing teaching cuts.

As if anyone will care in the senior management about their opinion.

The University is announcing that almost one-third of posts in the Faculty of Biomedical and Life Sciences are to be axed.

Gee that is too bad!

This is part of a wider package of cuts as the University is looking to get rid of long term staff.

25 jobs in the Faculty of Education are also for the chop and the possibility of losing 80 more jobs across the institution is a reality.

In total 123 people maybe will be kicked out while at the same time corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli gets a pay rise.

No doubt more job losses will follow.

It is said that students have organised a petition which will be sent to corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli before they hold a demonstration.

Waste of time, if the weather is good they should bring a few sandwiches as they stand outside probably round at the flag pole.

If students think back to the time of the University proposal to close the Adam Smith library, Muscatelli didn’t fight to keep it open.

He was regarded as nothing more as ‘yesman’ in some quarters.

For a fuller understanding of how corrupt Glasgow University is, click here.

Student Laura Allen said;

“I’ve just completed my third year as a student and am now dismayed to find that the courses promised for my final year are seriously jeopardised”.

I am surprised that Ms Allen thinks that Muscatelli and his ragbag collection of trash should care about her problems.

She must have known she was enrolling in a human rights abusing organisation, so why did she think they would care about her human rights?

A university spokesman said;

“All universities are operating in a climate of severe financial pressure”.

Is that why a corrupt foreigner like Anton Muscatelli needs a hefty pay rise, because of “severe financial pressure”?

It is time that universities like Glasgow University which have grown fat and bloated on taxpayers’ money were reined in.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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