Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lib Dems get sheer dross from Tories in Cabinet posts, Lib Dem Danny Alexander gets Scottish Secretary, a job he doesn't believe in

Dear All

The Lib Dems have received their cabinet positions in the UK Government.

No surprise they have been given dross.

Liberal Democrat MP Danny Alexander will serve as Scottish Secretary;, he replaced Jim ‘Big Ears’ Murphy of the Labour Party.

The appointment of the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey MP is nonsense as his party's policy has been to scrap the Scotland Office.

SNP MP Stewart Hosie, MP for Dundee East, said;

"Danny Alexander will have to show great dexterity in a post he wants to see abolished."

In the next few days David Cameron will visit Scotland which has only one Tory MP.

Tories were dead before the election in Scotland and they remain so post election.

So, the Lib Dems have been bought off cheaply, Clegg gets a nothing job as Deputy dog to Cameron, Alexander gets department with no role.

Every other post given to them is crap.

All the meat has gone to the Tories, the veggies to Lib Dems.

So, Cameron sticks a Lib Dem in as Scottish Secretary so Lib Dems take the heat for his Special Scottish Cameron Cuts!

Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie said;

"The people of Britain wanted politicians to work together for the good of the country and David Cameron is committed to doing that. He is committed to repairing the broken relationship between our parliaments and our governments and he has said he will treat Scotland with respect."

I don’t think respect is anything more than window dressing.

‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray said;

Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray branded the coalition between the two parties a "deal with the devil".

Iain Gray is just an embarrassment, this wasn’t a biblical happening just an election.

He added;

"Labour warned that a vote for the Liberal Democrats would only help David Cameron into Downing Street, and we were right."

Gray isn’t too bright, the Lib Dems lost seats; the problem was the Labour vote collapsed.

Too stupid to realise that the Labour Party helped David Cameron get into Downing Street!

By being corrupt, stupid, uncaring and remote from the people!

The Labour Party lost the election in the UK because they were arrogant enough to believe they had the 'divine right of Kings' to rule forever.

Now, they are just backbench lobby fodder, expect them to sulk.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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