Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scottish Ballet flags up they have women running around naked on stage, as SNP seek to close down lap-dancing, do ballet want the great unwashed?

Dear All

It seems that if the lads want to go down the town to lap dancing clubs, they should thank Cindy Sughrue, the chief executive of Scottish Ballet.

That’s right the Scottish Ballet saved lap-dancing.

SNP MSP Sandra White wanted to amend the Criminal Justice and Licensing Bill to make it easier for local authorities to prevent lap-dancing clubs opening in their area which depending on your view may or may not be a good idea.

I see no objection as long as it is legal and doesn’t cause a problem in the community.

Cindy Sughrue said that Sandra White’s proposal could have unintended consequences as defined adult entertainment as any live performance or live display of nudity “provided solely or principally for the purpose of sexually stimulating any member of the audience”.

So, getting your kit off and going starkers during a ballet performance would fall foul of the act.

She added;

“Nudity, as defined, would rule out presentations of some of the most powerful performance work of the 20th and 21st centuries, including numerous critically and publicly acclaimed productions created and/or presented in Scotland, including at the Edinburgh Festival. It would rule out iconic works by world-renowned directors and choreographers.”

If lap-dancing is banned, then guys can go to the ballet with their 'cargos' and a pair of binoculars.

I am sure the artistic types won’t mind a load of guys whacking off in the cheap seats as this could be part of the artistic experience.

Choreographed by world-renowned directors!

Steam boat guys with their trousers down at their ankles, swigging buckfast and smelling of unwashed sweat sitting beside the rich!

Each getting their jollies!

How apt.

Sandra White has now agreed to withdraw her amendment after Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill offered Government support in redrafting it.

The redrafted version will be introduced again when the Bill comes back to Parliament for its final stage.

Of course, guys can go to the ballet now that Cindy Sughrue has flagged up women are getting their kit off.

Perhaps ticket sales will rise!!!

As will complaints there is no disco music!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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