Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crazed Nutter and Labour MP Margaret Curran blames SNP for entire UK Labour election defeat, Glasgow East voted in a mad loon, your pigeon now!

Dear All

Margaret Curran of the Labour Party got elected in Glasgow East.

But the result of the Westminster General Election is that there is now a Tory/Lib Dem coalition.

Angry Curran has been running off at the mouth since the defeat blaming the SNP.

She has stated that the SNP had got the result they campaign for.

Curran isn’t bright folks, the SNP were campaigning for SNP Candidates to win seats in Scotland that is all.

Trust me.

She said;

“The SNP can barely hide their glee; this is the result they secretly wanted. They campaigned for Labour to lose the election, they fought to reduce the number of Labour MPs, they stood candidates against Labour; they repeatedly called for Gordon Brown to resign. Alex Salmond will have a guilty conscience tonight. For the last five years he has fought a war of attrition against the Labour Government so he cannot cry crocodile tears now”.

There is lots of mad loon stuff in this rant which yet again people in Glasgow East should read.

They wanted a dimwit cretin, they got it.

I say to the people of the East end of Glasgow who she is supposed to serve, try and get her to represent you.

You will find you have selected a ‘pig in a poke’ as an MP.

Try it, go round and ask for help and see where that gets you.

Anne McLaughlin SNP MSP has condemned comments by Curran for attempting to blame the SNP for the UK election result because 'they stood candidates against Labour'.

Glasgow SNP MSP Ms McLaughlin said;

"Margaret Curran is obviously upset about Labour being out of power at both Westminster and Holyrood, but calling for the abolition of democracy seems an extreme response”.

She added;

"Does she really think that Labour have a divine right to stand unopposed and unquestioned in Scotland? The fact is that the outcome of this UK election was not inevitable. There was a progressive, anti-Tory alternative on offer but the Labour Party could not rise above their blind hatred of the SNP in order to pursue it. Labour have let the people of Scotland down. They promised to protect Scotland from the Tories - instead they have opened the door to a Tory government in Scotland."

And on top of that, the people of Glasgow East have elected a liability.

Glasgow East had a good MP in John Mason and they lost him.

They will realise the full extent of that lost.

In the meantime enjoy your Nutter; you voted for her!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Yep... They have been voting Labour theses last 90 years, and look how well they have been rewarded. The place is fair booming and the resdients living in the lap of luxury... or maybe I'm thinking of somewhere else... like, maybe where Mrs Curren lives.

    You'd think they would have tried something different after the first 50 years or so, but no.

    Oh well, there you go.

  2. Dear Tris

    They got conned.

    I don't blame them or get angry with them, they thought they were keeping out the Tories.

    It made no difference.

    So, the SNP will have to keep going till they realise that SNP means public service.

    Something Curran is clueless about.

    John Mason deserved to be returned and as people know I don't toss praise about easily.

    I hope to see him if he stands again there, possibly for Holyrood.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. mouth + position + unquestioning loyalty + dosh + those atrocious Thatcherite skirt suits of many colours = a pointless excuse for a politician
