Saturday, May 15, 2010

‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray erupts in anger as Tory/Lib Dem Coalition return Scottish money frozen by the Labour Party to SNP Government

Dear All

David Cameron trip to Scotland has pulled off a surprise; he has conceded the demand for the release of £180 million to the Scottish Government.

The cash from the Fossil Fuel Levy which has lain for years in a London bank account effectively frozen by the Labour Government is coming to Scotland.

As well as releasing the cash which Labour withheld, he is allowing the Lib Dems to take the credit when the official announcement is made; it seems that Cameron is playing a blinder at present.

Cameron said;

“I want to see a fresh start in the relationship between the British Prime Minister and the Scottish First Minister”.

He added;

“This relationship is important. However much we may disagree about issues we should try to work together for the benefit of the whole of the United Kingdom and for the benefit of Scotland as well. That is what I’m determined to do.”

For the Labour Party the handing over off the Fossil Fuel is a total embarrassment as it shows how petty the Labour Party has been against the SNP Scottish Government.

The SNP has they have stuck to their guns over the return of this cash for many years and won through for Scotland.

This is like an episode of Star Wars, the evil Labour Party Sith Empire is getting destroyed and everyone on both sides of the political divide is calling a truce for the moment.

Of course the return of the Fossil Fuel Levy to benefit the Scottish people hasn’t pleased everyone.

‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray is unhappy that the Tories didn’t in days what the Labour Party denied the Scots for years.

The return of their money!

In a shameful display of the petted lip, ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray said;

“David Cameron’s visit should not be just a photo-opportunity. He knows the Tories were overwhelmingly rejected by the Scottish electorate as were the SNP. Labour is the voice of Scotland.”

The Labour Party used fear tactics to get people to vote Labour and it worked but lets us remember it was the SNP Government that brought home the cash.

Labour no longer represents the interests of working class Scots, once people lose that fear, the Labour Party in Scotland will die.

Cameron has knocked on the head two of the SNP requests for accelerated capital spending and the Olympics consequentials money.
The Fossil Fuel Levy and borrowing powers are a good win for the SNP Government.

The only loser is the British Labour Party who now looks pretty squalid denying Scotland their money.

Two out of four is what I thought we would get but I would have thought that they might have shifted on accelerated spending.

Despite all the good news that this entails, let us not get too carried away, Scotland is under threat internally and externally.

But for a while universal love has broken out in the UK with the exception of the British Labour Party.

They are the real threat to Scotland and its people.

The SNP Government need to attack Labour and keep attacking Labour; they denied Scotland its money.

A vote for the Labour Party is a wasted vote as people now know.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Excellent article George, and you are absolutely correct that 'Scottish' Labour (aka Scottish Branch of the London Labour Party) are the real threat to Scotland. They have held Scotland back for decades aided by their obedient media lapdogs. There is really opportunity here to completely sideline these faux-socialists and remove them as a threat to the Scottish people.

  2. Dear Traquir

    That is the message that I have been trying to drum into SNP political types for ages.

    Through-out the election I was calling and hoping for Labour to be marginalised.

    Then people can see how lazy, useless and inept a Labour politician is.

    It is a theme I am trying to get the SNP on board with, 'take the SNP challenge', see if your Labour MP will help you.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
