Saturday, May 15, 2010

SPT media chief opts for employment hari kiri quit rather than take a demotion, Cash cow director who paid back expenses now walks the earth

Dear All

The communications director of Glasgow Labour Party’s cash cow and travel agent, Bon Wylie has quit his £75,000-a-year post after facing demotion.

While a director of the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), questions were asked about his use of expenses when it emerged he was very generous to himself.

£385 for accommodation, £190 for transport and £138 for lunch!

£138 for lunch, obviously the ex BBC journalist thinks he is something special.

His departure follows on the back of chief executive Ron Culley; Chairman Alistair Watson and Vice-chairman David McLachlan in February, all of them have connections to the Labour Party.

Watson and McLachlan are currently serving Labour Councillors.

The official statement of Wylie’s departure is as follows;

“SPT can confirm that Bob Wylie has left his post at SPT as director of communications, following proposals to restructure the senior management team at SPT.”

With the Scottish Government taking a keen interest in the Glasgow Labour Party cash cow and travel agent sacrifices had to be made to protect the ‘piggy bank’.

Wylie is an acceptable loss for the Glasgow Labour Party, someone else can be brought for an earner on less money.

The money must continue to flow into Labour Party pockets seems to be the rationale.

Graeme Hendry, the Glasgow SNP councillor said;

“Reports that Wylie had felt he had to repay some expenses claims made his position increasingly untenable. It is therefore in the best interests of SPT that he has left his post. SPT is now in a better position to move forward although it still needs to reform the inbuilt Labour Party bias in its democratic structure to restore public confidence.”

That bias must end, it is time the SNP Government wielded the axe and killed the SPT.

You don’t give a nest of Vipers time to put in place new camouflage to protect their den; you get the flamethrower out and burn it to the ground.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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