Saturday, May 15, 2010

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell sends sorry letters to people at Glasgow Labour Council of shame, they aren’t interested in him, he is toxic

Dear All

One minute he had the ball at his feet, the next it was through a plate glass window with the Police hunting to have a word in his shell like ear.

Such was the world of Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell formerly of the Labour Council of shame.

Being shut out has obviously taken his toll on him and Purcell has sent a series of apology letters to senior staff who worked closely with him at Glasgow City Council.

This is odd because as a member of the Labour Party he should have known that these people are too busy trying to climb the greasy pole to care.

Purcell is yesterday’s man in every sense of the word, the political world has moved on and he is no longer wanted or acceptable.

One thing which has come to light is that Purcell is hiding in the Republic of Ireland as the dozen handwritten letters sent by him had Dublin post marks on them.

As a mark of how distant Purcell is from the Labour Council of shame, a colleague said;

“It’s a clear attempt at both sympathy and publicity. He can’t bear going online every day in Ireland and not seeing his name in the Scottish papers. He obviously wants someone to find out and give him the ‘poor Steven’ treatment”.

I think this indicates that there is a depth of anti Purcell feeling with real anger about how many Labour Councillors were exposed as the sleazy mess of the ‘bin laden’ empire.

The colleague added;

“Most people who got them had a ‘not interested’ view. As a result of Steven a lot of us have taken a real battering, so when they got the letters it was ‘thanks but no thanks”.

All too soon not wanted and forgotten is the message which Purcell is receiving.

It looks like Purcell wants to comeback into Glasgow politics from his Irish bolthole but there is the matter of Strathclyde Police to consider.

Sooner or later Purcell has to face the Police asking many questions about Class A drugs and corruption.

Although Purcell has a tiny handful of councillors who want him back, they are a minority, the new regime has taken over; changes are afoot, heads seems set to roll.

Early in the week, Aileen Colleran, a pillar of the Purcell regime threw in the towel as business manager and whip of the Labour Council of shame.

There is no way back for Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell, his ‘own’ side think he is poison, the SNP Group opposition is calling for an investigation in how jobs and contracts have been awarded to Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors.

Then there is the Police investigation.

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell destroyed jobs, services and infrastructure in the City of Glasgow, there is a reckoning to be had.

The Glasgow Labour Party has been exposed.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Very very nice post, i like the 4th post i which you are saying."This is odd because as a member of the Labour Party he should have known that these people are too busy trying to climb the greasy pole to care"

    It has really deep meaning! if some one trying and trying to apologize someone. what result will come ...this is what...
    Apology Letters
