Thursday, May 20, 2010

Diane Abbott says; “I looked at the Labour leadership candidates and it just seemed wrong”, she isn’t the solution to the Labour Party’s problems

Dear All

Madness, sheer madness, Labour MP Diane Abbott wants to throw her hat into the ring for the leadership of the Labour Party.

When I read this little gem, I thought WHAT!

Across the country, jaws must be falling on the floor as I type.

She has no chance; I would even be surprised if she can get the votes to get on the ballot paper.

Diane Abbott is a leftwing backbencher with a right wing attitude to money as her earnings, declared on the register of interests show only too well.

High profile but not leader material, she sits on the This Week programme with Michael Portillo and Andrew Neil.

She has an unfortunate habit of showing her displeasures with guests who disagree with her which in my opinion would make her very difficult to deal with among her colleagues.

The thing which might kill her chances is the immigration debate, she says;

"If we are going to have a debate about immigration, I am the child of immigrants. Don’t the millions of British people who are the children of immigrants have a voice in this debate also?"

In a previous This Week programme she related a story of how she rounded on a constituent who raised the subject.

That was a glimpse of how polarised she is on this subject.

I suspect she would be unable to deal with the immigration issue effectively and would further weaken Labour’s support.

Rather than being a unity candidate for the country and the party, she would be fracture candidate.

Here are some Diane Abbot quotes lifted from Wikipedia;

"The British invented racism".


In 1996 Abbott was accused of racism when she suggested that "blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls" in her local hospital in West London were unsuitable as nurses because they "may never have met a black person before".

A Future Leader of Britain!

I don’t think so, too much baggage, have a read here.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Dianne Abbott is a racist hypocrite. I cant stand the way she cozies up on the same couch as Michael Portillo. We need a Labour Candidate that is a bastion of integrity and morality - plenty to pick from there then.............
