Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie has unveiled the new frontbench team of the damned ahead of Holyrood election, no one cares

Dear All

It seems that Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie has unveiled the new frontbench team.

Think of it as rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

The line up is mostly a case of who?

Former leader David McLetchie will be campaign manager, the same role he held in Scotland at the recent Westminster elections.

That was a disaster, just one seat returned out of 59.

Hardly a whizz or forward planner.

Roxburgh and Berwickshire MSP John Lamont becomes justice spokesman, he takes over from Bill Aitken.

Deputy leader Murdo Fraser becomes health spokesman.

In a recent Newsight Scotland interview, he was savaged by Dr Kate Pickering for being in denial about Tory failure in Scotland.

He performed very badly.

Derek Brownlee remains party finance spokesman.

This means he will continue to sit in Newsnight Scotland interviews, lean back in his chair and sneer on the sidelines.

He is also tasked with a policy development brief.

Liz Smith takes over the education brief.

Annabel Goldie remains as leader of the damned.

She said;

"We are looking ahead to the Scottish Parliament elections next year and this team will take us to those elections and beyond. I have charged this new team to look to the future, come up with radical and new policies and build on our successes of the past three years, where we secured a number of key Conservative policies, including 1,000 extra police and cuts in business rates. The Conservatives have a lot to offer Scotland and have delivered real benefits over the past three years. We need to make our case to the Scottish electorate and I believe that with this new team we will be able to make that case in a strong and positive manner."

Sorry she is delusional.

She is unable to address the Tory problem, the legacy of Thatcher which dominates the minds of the people of Scotland.

Tackling the hatred of the past may provide answers for a future.

But Tories can’t do acts of faith when it comes to ordinary working class Scottish people, they are a nest of vipers as former Tory PPC Heather McLeod said recently.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that Dr Kate Pickering on Newsnight Scotland the other night did more for the Scottish Tories in ten minutes than Annabelle Goldie and her useless out of touch cronies have done in their collective lifetimes.

    Time for the Pickering style broom to sweep out the old brigade before the Tories are "swept" out of Hollyrood completly.
