Friday, May 21, 2010

Commonwealth Games bill, £523 million; Glasgow Labour Party has given us massive debt, Council tax bills will rise and sports facilities will close

Dear All

It was always going to be a costly failure that would provide little benefit for the people of Glasgow.

Yes, it is the Commonwealth Games.

The cost of hosting the ‘white elephant of the north’ in Glasgow in 2014 has topped half a billion pounds.

The price tag hung around the citizens of Glasgow’s neck is now £523 million; it has risen by £70m since November.

And that figure which is a drain is going to rise.

This shows the stupidity of voting for the Glasgow Labour Party, 20% of the final bill is coming out of the pockets of the people of this city.

80% is being provided by the SNP Government.

The Glasgow Labour Party has ripped off the people of Glasgow.

We have seen already cuts in schools, community centres and sports facilities made by the Glasgow Labour Party.

Tag along with this an academic report unveiled today which dismisses claims about the health and economic benefits of multi-sport events such as 2014 or the London 2012 Olympics.

Analysis has shown in some 54 studies that there is little evidence that major multi-sports events delivered health or socioeconomic benefits.

If health and fitness and sport are truly to be for all then the Labour Council of shame has done the people a great disservice.

These things have to be built from the grassroots up, and there isn’t the talent and expertise in Labour Party controlled Culture and Sport to achieve this.

The benefits of the Commonwealth Games maybe that contracts end up in the hands of Labour Party donors, members, family and friends.

Labour seem keen to promote big capital projects which have no real benefits like GARL and the Commonwealth Games.

After the games are finished given the cuts will any of the venues be operated by Glasgow City Council given the closure of sports facilities across the city?

Is there a plan in place post Games?

Or will it be like Iraq after the invasion, chaos with Labour Councillors of shame saying that ‘lessons will have to be learnt’ after they close these facilities for not being financially viable?

Professor Brian Ashcroft, director of the Fraser of Allander Institute at Strathclyde University flags up an indication of the future disaster by saying it was a matter of concern that inflation was only being factored in now.

The legacy of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014 for the people will not be a revival in sport and health and fitness, just a massive debt which will be coming out of their pockets because of the Glasgow Labour Party’s failure to manage properly.

Given the state of Culture and Sport, does anyone seriously believe they could manage world class facilities?

Take the George Laird challenge, go along and see the hole that is the free weights room at the Kelvinhall, the international arena, a Culture and Sport flagship venue.

It is squalid, unfit for purpose and like an abandoned outhouse, it is an insight into how Bridget McConnell runs sport in Glasgow, badly.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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