Sunday, May 9, 2010

Crazed madman Gordon Brown told to resign by Nick Clegg, rant laced with threats effectively kills Labour/Lib Dem deal, he is history now

Dear All

I previously said that a Tory/Lib Dem coalition is in the best interests of Scotland and the SNP.

This has taken a considerable step forward as Gordon Brown unleashed a tirade “laced with threats” at Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg.

Clegg said to Brown, resign as part of any Labour/Lib Dem deal.

A Labour source is quoted;

“It all started going badly downhill when Nick politely suggested that he resign. The conversation quickly turned into a one-way rant by the Prime Minister.”

You can’t work with a deluded madman, so Clegg’s offer makes sense to Labour.

On the other hand, across the street, Clegg and Cameron held “constructive and amicable” talks for 70 minutes in Whitehall last night.

And the Tories and Lib Dems were said to be so close to a deal that they were already discussing jobs for Mr Clegg and his top team if he came on board.

So, Labour need to act quickly, a coup is needed if Labour wantsto hang on to Ministerial salaries and perks.

Money is at stake!

The roadblock is a madman.

If Clegg goes and joins the Tories, he becomes the first Liberal to take up a Cabinet post in 65 years.

Vince Cable, the man most people want as Chancellor could be Osborne’s No2 in the Treasury.

It seems that my post of yesterday;

Is nearly proven to be correct!

There will be a Tory/Lib Dem coalition because Brown isn’t someone the Lib Dems can work with.

Looks like George Laird was right again.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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