Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Alex Salmond hits out at 'Supermarket' Dave plans to introduce special Scotland cuts, Tories are dead to the people of Scotland, why vote Tory!

Dear All

First Minister Alex Salmond has launched a withering attack on David Cameron.

‘Supermarket’ Dave doesn’t go down well in Scotland at all.

Not even ex MI6 spy and Tory Chairman Andrew Fulton, Scotland’s poor man’s James Bond can sell this piece of mutton dressed as mutton to voters.

The Tory Campaign in many areas doesn’t exist beyond leaflets.

In Glasgow South West, Tory Maya Forrest is standing, but not standing about in the constituency in any meaningful sense.

She is a ‘paper candidate’, so out of touch with the ordinary people of Glasgow South West, you could shoot howitzers all day long and she wouldn’t hear it.

‘Supermarket’ Dave might get the most seats this Thursday in the race for Downing Street but in Scotland, the Tories will still be on single figures.

They are pinning their hopes on Richard ‘goofy’ Cook in East Renfrewshire to get a result against Jim Murphy.

East Renfrewshire is awash with Tory posters on lamp posts.

Alex Salmond is right to say that the Tories are "flat-lining" in Scotland, they are a dead party.

He also hit out by accusing Cameron of "planning to steal Scotland's cash" with budget cuts.

Alex Salmond said;

"David Cameron is planning to steal Scotland's cash. He has refused for weeks now to give straight answers to straight questions about Tory plans for Scotland's budget - he has ducked and dodged and ducked again, refusing to admit what he has up his sleeve."

He added;

"We know, thanks to his would-be Chancellor George Osborne, that the Tories are planning a special 'Cameron cut' just for Scotland, on top of the savage spending cuts for vital public services that they plan right across the UK. Maybe that explains Mr Cameron's reluctance to step over the border during this election campaign - but he will not be able to dodge this issue forever."He can run but he can't hide, and sooner or later he will have to tell the people of Scotland exactly what he and his party have planned for this country."

The choice for people is not Labour cuts vs. Tories cuts but who you think will defend Scotland’s interests.

And the answer is the same as it has always been.

The Scottish National Party!

So, May 6th go and vote for the best people to fight Scotland’s corner.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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